Heavy rains coming up for Bihar

September 20, 2023 4:58 PM|

Heavy rains are coming up over Bihar and will result in some good showers. The upcoming spell will not be a very prolonged one.

Today, we can expect light and moderate showers at a few places. Tomorrow moderate rainfall activity is expected. Thereafter, rainfall activity is likely to be heavy on September 22 and 23. Thereafter, we can expect rain to reduce.

The Low-Pressure Area has moved inland and is over parts of Jharkhand and adjoining Odisha region. The system will remain in the vicinity of Bihar, and heavy to very heavy rains will be seen. Cities of Champaran, Sitamarhi, Darbhanag, Gopalganj, Araria, Madhubani will be the ones seeing heavy rains.

As far as Monsoon rains are concerned, Bihar has seen a shortfall in this season and has never been able to make up for that. At present, Bihar is observing a deficiency of 30 percent, which is significant. With these rains, the deficit may reduce marginally and also arrest the further rise of it.

We can expect thunderstorm, lightning, and strong winds during this period and people need to exercise caution.

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