Northeastern region of the country has been experiencing good rainfall in the last few days. In fact in the last 48 hours, intensity of rain has picked up pace.
During last 24 hours, rainfall recorded in most pockets of the Northeastern states are as follows:
North Lakhimpur topping the list with the maximum rainy spells of 74 mm,Pasighatseconds it with 39 mm of rainfall,Kailashaharrecorded a rainfall of 34.8 mm,Dibrugarhwith 33 mm rain fall,Dhubrirecorded 25 mm showers,Guwahatiwith 24 mm rain fall,Tezpur,SilcharandAgartalarecorded 20 mm, 13mm, and 10 mm rain fall respectively.
This year, since IMD has declared the onset overKeralalate, Monsoon seems to be lagging behind its normal date of arrival. Till date, Monsoon has not yet covered the entire Bay of Bengal. However, by witnessing the intensity of rain and cloud cover, Monsoon over the Northeastern states can be declared anytime now.
A cyclonic circulation overAssam,Meghalaya, Northern parts ofBiharand adjoining Sub HimalayanWest BengalandSikkimwill enhance the rainfall over Northeastern states. A few heavy to extremely heavy rainy spells over Meghalaya and Assam during next 48 hours is also expected.
Due to these heavy rain showers, most parts of the hilly region in the Northeastern states and a few districts of Assam may experience flood like situation. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is also predicted for the hilly regions ofNepal. It is observed in the past that whenever there is a heavy rainfall that occurs over the hilly areas of Assam, water tends to flow over low line areas of the state triggering flood like situation. It is therefore advisable for the administration to be prepared for these types of natural disasters which is normal occurrence during active Monsoon season.
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