Between June 1 and August 20, east Uttar Pradesh is rain surplus by 5% whereas western parts of Uttar Pradesh is deficient by 19% on the other hand Bihar is surplus by 16%.
Good rain and thunder shower activities are continuing over Bihar and Eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh since last few days. Western districts of Uttar Pradesh have also witnessed intense rain during last 2 to 3 days but now rain activities are expected to subside initially from Southwest Uttar Pradesh thereafter from Western parts of Uttar Pradesh from August 24 for 25th.
This reduction in rain activities will be due to the the northward shifting of Western and of axis of monsoon trough towards foothills of Himalayas.
Winds will change direction from easterly to westerly, thus, we can say humid elements will be replaced by dry and hot westerly winds over Western parts of Uttar Pradesh. A cyclonic circulation is expected to persist over Eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh and adjoining Bihar.
This will lead to good rain and thunder shower activities over East Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for next 4 to 5 days intensity of rains may increase significantly over East up and Bihar around 26 and 27 of August there may be of light chances of flooding over foothills of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar due to heavy downpour.