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Heavy rain and hailstorm in Punjab, Haryana, North Rajasthan; Crop damage also likely

February 3, 2019 1:41 PM |

Crop damage in Punjab Haryana website

In wake of the feeble Western Disturbance over Jammu & Kashmir, altogether with availability of moisture in the lower levels, the northwestern plains of India have been experiencing a dense layer of fog since last two days. In fact due to this fog, night temperatures have increased marginally over parts of Punjab, Haryana and North Rajasthan. However, at the ground levels, the fog has not settled down due to high speed of winds as well as comparatively higher temperature pattern.

At present, a feeble Western Disturbance as an upper air system lies over northern parts of Jammu & Kashmir. The induced Cyclonic Circulation of the system is lying over Haryana and adjoining region. We expect, both the systems to weaken and move in east- northeast directions. Meanwhile, in a quick succession, another active Western Disturbance will approach and induce a Cyclonic Circulation over Northwest Rajasthan on February 5.

Due to these systems, we expect air mass to change from northwesterly to south westerly/ southerly. As a result of this change, temperature pattern will undergo a change and subsequently increase. Due to this increase and lack of presence of moisture content, the present fog layer will slowly disappear. Thus, on February 4, bright sunshine will appear with a few clouds over the parts of Punjab, Haryana as well as North Rajasthan. Moreover,chance of frost during this period are completely ruled out except for northern parts of Punjab such as Roopnagar, Nawaz Shahar, Hoshiarpur, where there are bleak chances of frost.

Further, cloud cover will increase gradually and by February 5 and 6, rain and thundershower with gusty winds will occur over the entire region. By February 7, moderate to heavy rain and thundershower will take over many places of Northwest India. Due to high intensity of these activities, hailstorm will also occur at some places of Punjab and Haryana.

Moreover, heavy rains and hailstorm activities might cause a heavy damage to crops such as Mustard, Wheat, Peas, Gram that are currently under their growing stage. On the other hand, light rain over some parts will prove to be a bonanza for Rabi crops.

Image Credits – Pinterest

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