Heavy Pre-Monsoon Activity Over West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha: Hailstorm Likely

May 9, 2024 4:55 PM|

Eastern parts of the country, once reeling under extreme heat in April, have had regular pre-monsoon activity for the last four days. Gangetic West Bengal, including the capital city of Kolkata, received a downpour and moderate showers lashed parts of Odisha, Jharkhand and Bihar, as well. Heatwave has abated from these parts. Another uptick is likely, and stormy conditions are expected over some parts, in the next five days.

There are bubbles of cyclonic circulations over Bangladesh and Northeast India. Also, there is cyclonic circulation over trijunction of Jharkhand, Bihar and Chhattisgarh. A support trough is running across Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Gangetic West Bengal. The Bay of Bengal is supportive enough to fuel moist air over the region. Under the combined influence of these factors, heavy pre-monsoon thunderstorm activity is likely over these parts between 09th and 13th May. The activity will not be simultaneous but rather on rotation over different parts.

Rain and thundershowers, accompanied by strong gusty winds are likely over lower parts of Gangetic West Bengal and coastal stations of North Odisha on the first two days. Weather activity will reach the interiors of Odisha and Jharkhand, with a lag of 24-48 hours. Norwesters, the severe storms of this region during pre-monsoon, may be witnessed during this spell. Terrifying lightning and scary thunder are the hallmarks of pre-monsoon storms in this area. Howling winds accompanied by blinding rains could prove damaging, for life and material resources. Hailstorms are quite likely over some parts and may impair the standing crops, if any.

Dissipation and weakening of the weather systems will improve the conditions, early next week.  Light activity may be seen over Odisha and Jharkhand on 14thMay, as a remnant effect.  Broad clearance is expected from the next day onwards. Heat waves will stay away from the region for this duration.

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