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Hazy mornings begin in Delhi

October 17, 2013 1:27 PM |

Hazy mornings have begun in Delhi and the visibility levels have started to go down, indicating that winters are now close by. “Today, we observed that the visibility level from 3 till 9 in the morning went down to 1km”, said Mahesh Palawat, Head of the Meteorological team at Skymet Weather.

And predictions show the same pattern for the next few days. “Hazy mornings in Delhi are expected to continue for the next couple of days, till the wind pattern does not change to easterlies and no western disturbance approaches. Till then, sky will remain clear during the day but thick haze or mist will be there in the early morning hours”, added Palawat.

A thick haze over Delhi has set the alarm bells ringing over the growing level of air pollution in the city. While pollution normally rises during winter, this time it has formed because the wind has been calm due to which pollutants have remained suspended in the lower atmosphere. Further, water molecules act as a nucleus for pollutants.

Currently the humidity level in the morning in Delhi is as high as 94% and the wind speed is very low of 5kmph.

Mornings have already cooled down in Delhi and will further cool down gradually. The minimum temperature in Delhi was recorded at 21 degrees on Thursday morning. Morning minimums are expected to drop further by a degree which will make Delhiites pull out light jackets for an early morning jog.

However, days will continue to be warm with maximums hovering around 33 degrees Celsius. Sky will be clear and afternoons will be sunny.

Photo by Sailorstales.

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