At the moment, most parts of Gujarat have been seeing maximums at least 4-5 degrees above normal. In fact, Bhuj has recorded 34.6 degrees, which is at least 5 degrees above the normal levels. Moreover, the cities of Ahmedabad, Junagarh, Deesa, Patan as well as Rajkot have observed maximums above 4 to 6 degrees Celsius.
This situation is likely to be the same for at least the next few days. The weather over Gujarat is linked with Western Disturbance which alters the wind pattern. In fact, a fresh one has made an appearance, due to which temperatures will be higher for a few days. Coastal parts have not been impacted by these temperatures and remain moderate as far as maximums are concerned.
Only when the system moves away, we can expect these temperatures to take a dip when the wind flow and pattern will once again resume, which will only happen after February 12. Therefore, we can expect maximums to remain on the higher side for some time.
Moreover, we can expect a see-saw in temperatures as another system will make an appearance around February 15, which will once again result in an increase in the maximum temperatures