Google Doodle Celebrates Earth Day in style

April 22, 2015 6:10 PM|

The world’s most popular search engine leaves no stone unturned to surprise the users. The search engine giant decided to make Earth Day fun. As usual, the homepage on this occasion is something different this time. Google has posted an animated picture of our beloved planet, Earth, on the homepage.

Wait, that’s not it, there’s more in store! Google has a doodle for you. Sounds fun doesn’t it? The giant has a goofy quiz for you to help you find out what kind of an animal are you. The quiz works on all mobile and desktop browsers. The android and iOS Google apps are also showing this feature.

This is not the first time that Google has come up with a doodle on Earth Day. The search engine has been celebrating Earth Day through its doodle for 15 years now.

In 2014, Google broadcasted a 6 in 1 animated animal kingdom doodle on the homepage. The participants included a Japanese macaque, a Rufous Hummingbird, a dung beetle, a puffer fish, a moon jellyfish and a veiled chameleon. Check out this fun doodle here.

In 2013, an interactive google doodle captured a slice of nature’s wonders. You could see the day transforming into night along with changing seasons. Click here for the 2013 doodle.

In 2012, the google doodle encouraged users to grow their own flowers. The doodle had blooming flowers in various colours spelling the word Google. To make this doodle, Google actually grew a garden that spelled the words to give it a realistic approach.

In 2011, the doodle was an effort towards the global celebration of the Earth Day. The doodle depicts animals from different environments. When you hover around the doodle, you may catch a bird flying from the tree, a penguin taking a 360-degree jump, two pandas playing together, and much more. Check out this interactive doodle here.

In 2010, when Earth Day entered its 40th year, Google changed its logo to a forest with sunlight filtering through leaves forming the letters Google.

Google Doodle Celebrates Earth Day in style

In 2009, the theme of Google’s doodle was an underwater diversity of life and it was in the form of a natural rock formation in 2008. Keeping up with the theme, the doodle showcased the problem of the melting of polar ice caps by way of an iceberg immersed in water.

In 2006, the logo remained unchanged, except the L in Google, which was in the shape of a windmill. The logo was covered with solar plates with sunlight falling on top of them. In 2005, Google’s logo included a squirrel and a bird, two members of the animal kingdom. The letter L was in a shape of a tree with a bird’s nest on it.



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