Good Mumbai rains likely to make comeback soon

July 13, 2017 3:40 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Mumbai rains have been on the backfoot for about ten days now. So much so that the region has been recording only light showers for a long time. In fact, these Monsoon rains have only been limited to being single digit for a long time now.


The last 24 hours were no different and very light rainfall was witnessed over the capital city of Maharashtra. In fact, in a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Wednesday, The Santa Cruz observatory recorded a mere 0.2 mm of rainfall. Meanwhile, not even a drop of rainfall was witnessed over the Colaba observatory.

The reduced rainfall activity is attributed to the absence of the off-shore trough over the Konkan and Goa region. Winds have also become weak over the region resulting in very little rainfall and that too over a few areas only.

Check out the latest lightning and thunderstorm status across Mumbai

However, good rains are expected to soon make an appearance over the city of Mumbai. While the next 24 hours will see light showers with isolated moderate spells, thereafter, rainfall activity is expected to pick up pace.

The well-marked low-pressure area over Central India will move towards southwest direction. Due to this, strong southwesterly winds will begin to blow over the region. Also, with this, the off shore trough will also become active along the West Coast resulting in increased rains over Mumbai. Thus, good rains will make an apperance over Mumbai after 24 hours putting an end to the almost dry weather over India.

Image credit: Nitesh Yadav

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