The state of Maharashtra consists of four sub-divisions namely MadhyaMaharashtra, Marathwada, Vidarbha and Konkan. All these sub-divisions have a varied terrain and topography which is why rainfall pattern differs over these areas.
While Konkan lies on the upside of the mountain along the coast which is why it receives very heavy rains, Madhya Maharashtra witnesses lesser amounts of rain as it lies on the leeward side. On the other hand, both Marathwada and Vidarbha lie in Central India.
Southwest Monsoon has covered almost half its journey. Currently, the state of Maharashtra is witnessing a rainfall surplus of 26 percent making it fall in the excess rain category. Not only this, all the sub divisions have also observed close to excess rains so far.
Both Vidarbha and Konkan have observed a rainfall surplus of 38 percent and 23 percent, respectively. Similarly, Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra are slightly far behind at 18 and 19 percent.
Out of all the districts in Maharashtra, not even one has witnessed below normal rains. For a state with such varied weather patterns, it is quite a rare phenomenon. Usually, the best of Monsoon seasons also leave some deficit areas and vice versa.
Currently, Vidarbha is the best performing region of the state where almost all areas have witnessed excess rains. In fact areas includingChandrapur, Gadchiroli,WardhaandAmravatihave observed more than 50 percent rainfall surplus.
Slightly behind is Madhya Maharashtra where barring three districts, above normal rains have been witnessed. In fact, here also places likeSataraandSanglihave witnessed rainfall in excess by almost 50 percent. Poor performers in this region areJalgaon,DhuleandNandurbar, however, these areas are also in the normal range.
As far as Marathwada is concerned, it’s been a mixed bag in terms of rain. While the region happens to be the poorest performer of all, rains remain in the normal range. In fact, a few excess rain pockets including Jalna,AurangabadandNandedare from Marathwada itself.
Heavy to very heavy rains lash Konkan all throughout the Monsoon making it the rainiest pocket out of all the sub-divisions. So far, the Konkan region has displayed a fair performance with 23 percent rainfall surplus. In the coming days, good rains are expected over the sub-division increasing the rainfall surplus.
To sum it up, Monsoon has been kind to the entire state of Maharashtra so far. Skymet Weather expects more Monsoon rains until the rest of the season.
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