Freezing temperatures in Srinagar mark the beginning of Chillai Kalan in Kashmir, snowy New Year likely

December 30, 2019 3:38 PM | Skymet Weather Team

There are three periods in the winter of Jammu and Kashmir, which begins from Chillai Kalan also known as major cold, a 40-day period, which happens to be the harshest winter period between December 21 and January 31. It is then followed by Chillai Khurd also known as small cold, which is a 20-day period starting from February 1 to 20, and is furthermore succeeded by Chillai Bache, known as small cold and is a 10 day period.

True to its name, the Chillai Kalan, the harshest winter period has begun, with Srinagar clocking freezing temperatures. Early snowfall has been experienced this time and for at least about a week, from December 24, Srinagar has been seeing sub zero temperatures. In fact, in this entire month, there have only been two days, i.e. December 22 and 23, when temperatures have been above zero degree.

The minimum has been dipping on a daily basis, being the lowest of the season today at -6.5 degrees Celsius. Last year also, the minimum had dropped to -7.7 degrees.

Invariably also, the second half of December sees sub-zero temperatures and today’s minimum has also settled at about four degrees below normal with the maximum temperature settling at 9 degrees Celsius. Thus, both extreme cold wave and cold day conditions will persist in the

This is the time when Dal Lake is frozen, and because of continuous drop in the minimum temperatures, this kind of spell has been cast over the lake.

In the coming days, Srinagar is expected to see a White New Year’s eve. Also, 2020 is also expected to begin on a snowy note. The effect of the persisting Western Disturbance will continue until January 3 and 4. Moreover, another fresh system will appear on January 6 once again.

Image Credit: Financial Express

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