Rain has been pouring over the state of Chhattisgarh for more than last 24 hours.
In the last 21 hours, many places ofChhattisgarhreceived moderate to heavy rains. Places like Pendra received 25 mm of rains and Ambikapur received 19 mm of rains.
These rains can be attributed to the low pressure area over GangeticWest Bengaland adjoining areas. This weather system has already given good rain over Chhattisgarh and neighbouring areas in last 24 hours.
But these rains over the state will see a significant fall in intensity. This fall of intensity can be attributed to the movement of the weather system. The low pressure area is expected to move in a northerly direction leaving the rainfall over the state. But then this weather system will continue to give good rains over NorthOdisha, Gangetic West Bengal, Bihar andJharkhand.
So as of now the East & Central India which is at present receiving good rain will see a reduction in the rainfall, as the low pressure area can be seen moving away.
At present, for the entire Monsoon season, the rainfall figure of Chhattisgarh stands at 921.3 mm against the normal rainfall of 978.4 mm. This means that the state is close to normal rainfall figure but just shying away in to the negative side by 6%.
Overall rain affected areas in East & Central India will further reduce.
Image Credit: Wikipedia
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