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Effect of Warm Winter: Premature Blooming Of Tulips Might Affect Kashmir Tourism

March 3, 2016 12:35 PM |

FeaturesRegarded as ‘heaven on earth’, Kashmir is famous for its spring season which attracts tourists from across the world. But seems like Global Warming and its adverse effect on climate has resulted the spring to come in earlier this year.

This winter was recorded the warmest in Kashmir in the last 76 years. And this change in temperature triggered the change in flora of the valley. Tulips are not only a big attraction of the state, it is also a major tourist attraction. But due to early blooming of Tulips, the authorities associated with tourism of the state fear that the number of tourists will fall due to this reason only.

The State Floriculture Department looks to open Asia’s largest Tulip Garden in the second week of March. Earlier they use to open somewhere in the first week of April. There is a good departure of 20 days from the routine, the tourism players have kept their fingers crossed.

“Any premature blooming will have a negative impact as the tourists who obviously won’t pre-pone their vacations all of sudden,” Nasir Shah, a tour operator said. “Holidays are not planned like emergency but as per convenience of the prospective visitors. We pray to Almighty that there’s no premature bloom and the weather remains cool in the coming days. Clouds have started to hover over Kashmir and we hope our prayers will not go unheard,” he added.

Even the State Floriculture Department has stated that the Tulip Gardens has to open their gates about 20 days before the scheduled time, which is April 1. Assistant Floriculture Officer and In-charge Tulip Garden, Imran Ahmad said, “2000 bulbs have already bloomed and few other tulip varieties are showing advanced budding stage.” He added “In last few years, we have witnessed first April an ideal time for opening of garden, but this time, it will be some 20 days in advance.”

But there is another major issue that concerns the authorities is the lifespan of the Tulips. Usually there is huge snowfall and heavy rainfall but there was no such weather activity this time around. The temperatures in February soared like it was end of March which is unusual for the state. The Tulip bulbs have a life span of 15-17 days, but if the weather remains like this then the life span of Tulips will reduce.


This story was originally published in Deccan Herald.

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