Dust storm, rains bring relief from heat wave in Delhi, more showers in next 48 hours

April 7, 2019 11:30 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Updated on April 7, 2019 10:30 PM: Dust storm, rains bring relief from heatwave in Delhi, more showers in next 48 hours

Dust storm and thundershowers finally made an appearance over Delhi-NCR, bringing in much needed relief from the heat wave conditions. Adjoining areas of Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad and Ghaziabad also reported good amount rains.

Earlier in the day, mercury had soared to 36˚C and presence of moisture in the atmosphere had made the day hot and sultry. However, these pre-Monsoon activities brought significant drop in the mercury. Weather had gone cloudy by late evening, with dust storm making an appearance around 7 pm. This was soon followed by short spell of intense rain and thundershowers.

Showers brought immense joy for the people, making evening and night pleasant. However, we are afraid that this would be momentary relief only. Monday would again begin on sunny note with partly cloudy sky. Although temperature would not soar to 40-degree mark but day maximum would continue to settle around 37˚C or 38˚C. This would one or two notches above the average mean but high humidity levels would make the weather sultry during the afternoon.

We can again expect another round of dust storm or thunderstorm tomorrow. Like today, these showers would be confined to evening hours only. However, intensity of these weather activity may vary as compared to widespread spell today.

As per weathermen, these pre-Monsoon showers are not widespread in nature. These weather activities are patchy but intense.

No relief from heat wave despite dust storm, thundershower in Delhi NCR in next 24-36 hrs

Delhi and its adjoining areas of Noida, Gurugram, Ghaziabad and Faridabad have been reeling under heat wave with maximum temperatures touching almost 40˚C for the last few days. The reason for such weather conditions has been attributed to the successive Western Disturbance’s affecting Jammu and Kashmir region which are bringing in warm winds. During the last 24 hours, isolated places in Delhi and NCR observed short spell of rain and thundershower activities along with moderate breeze. At present, a Western Disturbance as an upper air system lies over North Pakistan and adjoining region. Its induced upper air cyclonic circulation and trough lie over northern parts of Rajasthan and adjoining South Haryana. As both these weather systems would be moving away east/northeastwards and in presence of high temperatures, dust storm and thundershower activities accompanied with strong winds are likely to affect over Delhi and NCR during the next 24 to 36 hours. But as reiterated before, these thundershowers would not bring any relief from the persisting hot weather. Day temperatures will continue be around 38˚C to 40˚C. Night temperatures would soon follow the trend the and would increase from April 10. The maximum temperatures will be increasing continuously and gradually over the entire region in the coming week. Moreover, in the presence of light winds, pollution levels over most parts of Delhi-NCR are in poor to very poor category, which will further deteriorate even more till such warm and dry weather conditions persist. Image Credit: Wikipedia Please Note: Any information picked from here must be attributed to skymetweather.com