Average rainfall for month of April in Delhi is 12.5 mm. The city has already surpassed its monthly rain average with a total of 19 mm. Now rain will take a back seat and the weather will go dry for at least next one week. At 14.1 degree, Delhi has recorded its lowest minimum in April 2023. It is 6° below normal. Both day and night temperatures of Delhi are below normal since last few days.
In the absence of any significant weather system, winds will continue to blow from Northwest direction. These warm and dry winds will certainly increase the temperatures. The maximum temperature may become normal in next couple of days and will gradually become above normal. We do not expect heat wave over Delhi and NCR for at least next two weeks.
Pre monsoon activities such as dust storm and thunderstorm usually increase when temperature cross 40 degree. Dust storm may commence over Northwest India including Delhi NCR by end of April and is expected to intensify during May.