Peninsular India covering most parts is heading for first typical pre monsoon activity. Rain and thundershowers are quite likely over Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu during this week. Weather activity will spill over to next week as well. Rainy spell not cover the entire region simultaneously and remain staggered, particularly at the time of commencement.
Week long weather activity is expected between 16th and 22nd March 2023. Rain and thundershowers may begin on 16th Mar for Karnataka and Kerala and spread eastward during later half of the week. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are likely to observe synchronous activity between 18th and 22nd March, albeit more intense during 1st half of this period. Pre Monsoon weather activity over South India is generally not intense during March. Surface temperatures are mostly in mid 30's around this time, even over the interiors and therefore the heat potential is not adequate to trigger large scale thinderstorms. Upcoming weather activity is an exception, both in terms of space and duration, covering large area for nearly a week or even more.
Multiple weather systems are traversing across northern and central parts. Western disturbance up north and cyclonic circulation over the western and central parts are complementing each other to raise the spread of activity across, north, west, center and eastern parts of the country, commencing very soon. The trough in association with the above systems, running north-south, is finding interaction with the easteries of South India to set off first spell of convective showers and thunderstorm for the entire region overlapping various meteorological sub divisions.