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Double digit minimums prevailing across India, winters seem to be receding

February 28, 2018 10:14 AM |

Double digit minimums prevailing across India, similar weather ahead

The North Indian region of the country observes wintry conditions between the months of December and February. Meanwhile, the winter season begins to recede from the fag end of February. This change in weather conditions is manifested with the change in maximum as well as minimum temperatures.

As far as the minimum temperatures are concerned, single digit minimums become prominent over North Indian stations as well as some parts of Central India. Meanwhile, the western and southern parts observe minimum temperature in the teens itself.


As far as the maximum temperatures are concerned in February, they hang around the 20s over the north and some parts of Central India and at times even range in the high teens. On the other hand, other areas, particularly the southern and western parts witness maximums in the 30s.

The temperatures in the plains of North India are driven by the weather in the hills of North India. Since the last two days there has been rain in the hills, however, there have been clear sky conditions in the North Indian plains. Maximums and minimums have both been above normal over the region. Moreover, the minimums of the plains of North India are now settling in double digits.

In fact, cities in the foothills including Amritsar have also been witnessing minimum temperatures in double digits.

The central portion of the country has already been witnessing minimums in double digits. On the other hand, the minimums in South India have already been sky high in the early 20s.

As of today, barring the hills, minimums are in double digits across the entire country. In the coming days, rain activity is expected in some parts of North India, but the temperatures will remain in double digits. In short it seems like winter may finally be bidding adieu in the next few days.

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