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Difference in rainfall pattern in J & K, HP and Uttarakhand

March 14, 2014 3:18 PM |

Rain and snowfall has reduced and the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway, which was closed for traffic for two days, was finally opened on Thursday. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand will get a short breather in terms of rain and snowfall before another Western Disturbance starts affecting the weather in the region from tomorrow onwards.

As reiterated by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, the system will affect weather in the above mentioned states and the adjoining foothills of North India.

Records available with Skymet Meteorology Division in India suggest that the pattern of rain and snow is different as we go latitudinally higher from Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh to Jammu and Kashmir.

The hill stations of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have homogenous nature with similar elevation and terrain amidst beautiful lakes, water bodies, glaciers and snow-clad mountains. But the only difference is in latitude and Srinagar is situated in higher latitude than Kulu and Manali.

Rain and snowfall in Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar, Gulmarg and Pahalgam in this state receive more rain and snow in the month of March than in July and August.

Srinagar- In this beautiful hill station the average rainfall for the month of March is 115.6 mm, which is higher than even February (72.3 mm) and April (71.7 mm).  The intensity of rain is much less in monsoon with an average of 60 mm and 70 mm in July and August, respectively.

Gulmarg- Here as well, the intensity of rain increases from 223.9 mm in February to 255.8 mm in March. Rain again reduces as we move on to the month of April (173.7 mm). The amount of rain in the months of July and August are 114 mm and 104 mm, respectively.

Pahalgam- This hill station receives 218 mm of rain in March, 142 mm in February and 145 mm of rain in April. During monsoon in the months of July and August, it receives 110 mm and 100 mm of average rain.

Rain and snowfall in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand

Shimla- This hill station in Himachal Pradesh receives the highest winter rain in March with an average of 63.9 mm. February and April receive 63.8 mm and 61.3 mm of rain, respectively. The Monsoon months of July and August receives torrential rain with averages of 333 mm and 296 mm, respectively.

Mukteshwar- Mukteshwar is a tourist destination in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand. This place sitting high in the Kumaon Hills at an altitude of 2286 meters receives heavy rain in July (310 mm) and August (298.8 mm). However, winter rain is much less here with an average of 55.7 mm in March.

According to G.P Sharma of Skymet Meteorological Division in India, “we can conclude that the monsoon current reduces and the air mass weakens till it reaches Jammu and Kashmir.” Therefore, monsoon rain here is less than the hill stations of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Monsoon rain is significant for the Indian sub-continent but hardly affects Pakistan and Afghanistan.

On the other hand, the Western Disturbance affects Jammu and Kashmir first and if it’s strong enough than the system travels down to Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand and further eastwards. We can also see that March receives the highest amount of winter rain as the frequency of Western Disturbances are more in this month.

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