Delhi to witness dust storm and thundershowers over the week, relief from heat expected

May 9, 2019 11:36 AM | Skymet Weather Team

Day temperature in Delhi has been increasing continuously since May 7 and is settling in the early 40s. At present, both day and night temperatures are above normal over the region. Now, we expect pre-Monsoon activities to commence once again over the entire Northwest India including Delhi-NCR.

A fresh Western Disturbance is expected to approach North Pakistan and adjoining Jammu and Kashmir by tomorrow. It has already induced a Cyclonic Circulation over West Rajasthan and adjoining Pakistan. Moreover, the moisture feed is available up to 15,000 ft from Arabian sea.

When temperatures are high and humidity increases which will be the case now, thunderclouds development takes place. These thunderclouds are capable of giving dust storm along with light rain activities. Therefore, tomorrow or on May 10, we expect isolated dust storm activities over Delhi and NCR.

Read more about the the upcoming rains in Delhi and the abatement of heat wave, here!

Gradually, these pre-monsoon activities will keep on increasing and by May 13, we expect dust storm and thundershower at many places. But these weather activities will be during afternoon and evening hours.

The cloud cover combined with occasional weather activities will collectively bring down the temperatures and a certain relief is expected from the ongoing hot weather conditions. Temperatures over Delhi NCR may fall below 40 degrees. These on and off pre-monsoon activities are expected to continue until May 16 or 17.

So, we can say that a relatively comfortable week lies ahead for the people of Delhi.

Image Credits –  Hindustan Times 

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