Delhi To Skip Severe Heat Wave Tomorrow, Mercury Not Likely To Breach 45 Degree

May 24, 2024 1:36 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Capital city Delhi is likely to escape the severe heat tomorrow, the polling day. All seven constituencies of Delhi will cast votes, between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. The scare and deterrent of severe heat, as envisaged earlier, may miss the date and roll over to the next week. Base observatory Safdarjung recorded a maximum of 41°C yesterday, about a degree higher than normal. Today, it may add another notch to go past 42°C. However, the temperature in excess of 45°C, as predicted earlier, is not likely. Small mercy from the weather god and the temperature may get arrested short of 44°C.

The mercury may not rise to record fresh high for the season but the humidity may increase marginally, to raise the discomfort. Also, there are no clouds likely to provide any solace. Yes, moderate breeze is expected to give some relief under the shade but ‘loo’ like conditions in the open will remain. Still, it is time for every eligible voter to cast the vote, even at the cost of discomfort. Weather conditions will be a lot better than predicted earlier.

As a result of heat, a cyclonic circulation has formed over and around Delhi. This feature is a part of the heat low and is not associated with any other weather activity. Winds have changed to easterly, since yesterday and the flow continues today, as well. Such winds restrict any spike in the mercury, but the humidity rise will increase the sweat levels. Tomorrow, the surface winds may not be as strong, as today. The trough may shift slightly to the north and therefore the temperature will be higher than today.

Mercury is likely to rise from Sunday onwards. It may reach the threshold of 45°C, early next week. Dry weather conditions are likely to prevail till the month end. Heat will persist with varying degrees. There are signs of some weather activity over the plains of North India, including Delhi, at the start of next month.

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