Delhi has seen dry weather since October 10 and 11. Nil wind conditions and light winds have raised minimums which is at about 17 degrees as of now, and settling about 5-6 degrees above the normal levels.
Minimum temperatures at one stage in October had dropped to 14 degrees. However, since the start of November, Delhi has been seeing maximums at 15 degrees and above.
No significant drop in the minimums is likely in the coming days and will remain above normal levels. Winds will remain light on account of Western Disturbance and will remain southeasterly in nature. The induced Circulation from the Western Disturbance will hover around for a while.
Thus, Delhi Pollution may see a marginal improvement becoming very poor but will slip to very severe in nature. Winds will only become strong around November 11. Thus, for some time, Delhi Pollution will see no significant improvement.