Delhi reached double digit temperatures after a gap of five days. The last time that the national capital so minimum above 10° was on January 14. In between these days, the national capital recorded intense wintry conditions with three straight days of cold wave also where in temperatures had also gone below the 2° mark making it the second highest minimum of January in the last decade.
Now, with the present western disturbance fading away, Delhi and the NCR region may see a slight drop in the minimum temperature which is about one or 2° only. However, as another fresh western disturbance is expected to approach the Western Himalayas around the weekend that is January 21 or 22, and an induced cyclonic circulation will also form over the plains of north India around a similar time, Delhi and the NCR is expected to see some rain on January 23 and maybe a slightly prolonged one. The intensity and spread will be good one.
During the time of rainfall, minimum temperature will once again witness a rise and there may be a fall in the maximum temperatures wherein residents may feel some chilly conditions during the afternoon hours because of clouding as well as rain.