Delhi and suburbs witnessed yet another round of thunderstorm, lightening, strong winds and Moderate to heavy rains yesterday. Base observatory at Safdarjung recorded 23mm rainfall in 24 hr. This being the last spell of May, Delhi amassed a total of 112mm rainfall against monthly normal of 29.8mm, 3-4 times above the average. As per the norms, any rainfall after 8.30 A.M today will be counted against the month of June.
Delhiites can expect more showers till Friday, the 2nd June. Thereafter, the weather activity will be sparse and short lived too. Larger clearance is expected from 08th June onward. Day and night temperatures have been persistently hovering below the normal for the last one week. Maximum and minimum temperature remained confined to about 35°C and 20°C, both about 5-6°C below the normal.
Average temperature of Delhi for the month of May is about 40°C. However, base observatory recorded >/= 40°C only on 9 days with highest maximum of 43.7°C on 22nd May. No heat wave conditions were observed at the record observatory. Last year, the capital city had breached 40°C mark on 20 days and the highest maximum exceeded 45°C.
With persistent cloud cover, the temperature is expected to remain below 35 degree today and tomorrow. Spread of weather activity will increase tomorrow but the intensity will reduce. Mercury will start rising from 3rdJune onward but unlikely to exceed 40°C for the next 7 days. Rains are going to be far and few between 03rd and 10thJune.