Updated on February 06, 2017 10:40 PM: An earthquake of Magnitude 5.8 on the Richter Scale has jolted the hilly state of Uttarakhand. As per latest reports, the epicentre of the quake was at Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand.
Strong tremors were felt in many parts of Delhi and the NCR region including Noida, Gurugram, Ghaziabad and Faridabad. In fact, Chandigarh also felt strong tremors. Residents of the national capital rushed out of their homes as the tremors lasted for over five to ten seconds.
Also Read:What makes Delhi the third most earthquake prone city in India?
As of now, no damage has been reported. We will keep you posted on the latest news on earthquake in Delhi
Updated on April 10, at 04:10 PM:6.8 magnitude earthquake jolts Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India. Hindukush region in Afghanistan is reported to be the epicenter. Strong tremors were felt in Delhi, Chandigarh and parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Everything at our office shook for more than a minute, including this door#earthquakepic.twitter.com/FmNLFFNwox
— vijaita singh (@vijaita)April 10, 2016
6.8 magnitude#earthquakejolted#Hindukushregion in#Afghanistan, strong tremors were felt in#Pakistan& North#India.#Delhi#Srinagar
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)April 10, 2016
Delhi Metro services temporarily halted after#earthquakejolts the capitalhttps://t.co/2sbnutalBx
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets)April 10, 2016
Updated on January 2, at 03:29 PM:Tremors were felt in parts of Delhi NCR around 2:15 PM on Saturday as a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hits the Hindukush region of Afghanistan. As per the latest inputs from CESM EMSC, the epicenter was 280 kilometers northeast of Kabul at a depth of 177 kilometers. Strong tremors have been felt in Pakistan and in few parts of northern India, including Delhi NCR.
Graphical illustration giving details of the#earthquakethat sent tremors across North India including Delhi NCR.pic.twitter.com/k98TTWK9vY
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)January 2, 2016
JUST IN: Tremors felt across Delhi NCR region.#earthquake
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)January 2, 2016
Updated on December 26, at 11:10 AM: A moderate earthquake measuring the intensity of 6.5 Richter scale jolted Afghanistan during late night of Friday but its tremors were felt till India. Parts of North and East India felt the tremors around 12.44 am forcing several people to vacate their houses during the chilly night.
JUST IN: 6.5 magnitude#earthquakein Hindu Kush region, epicentre#Afghanistan-#Tajikistanborder Tremors felt across#DelhiNCR#Rajasthan
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)December 25, 2015
.@SkymetWeatherBuildings evacuated in sector 45,#Noidaafter#earthquaketremors were felt across#DelhiNCR beltpic.twitter.com/aX7HrLZ9e6
— Rohit Joshi (@emceeaarjay)December 25, 2015
Updated on December 7, at 2:10 PM:A moderate earthquake measuring intensity of 7.2 Richter scale jolted Tajikistan this afternoon. The earthquake remained mild for parts of North India including Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. No casualties have been reported so far.
Graphical illustration of the#earthquakein#Tajikistanthat sent tremors across North India,#Delhi#Jammu#Punjabpic.twitter.com/ks4pSL7PiU
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)December 7, 2015
Updated on 29 October, at 12:10 PM Quake hit victims are facing a tough time as timely aid and help is unable to reach them due to freezing weather in parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. With the death toll rising and more than 10,000 homes left devastated, situation is worsening in the quake-hit region. Hundreds of children have been forced to sleep under the cold open sky in absence of any proper shelter shielding them against the sub-zero temperatures.
Updated on 28 October, at 5:10 PM:Cold weather in parts of Afghanistan is threatening the rescue effort where several people have been affected after the quake on Monday. Moreover, once winter weather sets in, the lack of shelter will lead to issues like respiratory problems, exposure, and skin disease.
Updated on 28 October, at 10:10 AM:Rescue efforts have been beefed up to help those affected by the magnitude-7.5 earthquake which hit remote areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan on Monday. The rescue operation which was facing hindrance due to inclement weather, including heavy rain and landslides, is expected to return on track in next 24 hours.
Updated at 11:45 AM: The death toll in both Afghanistan and Pakistan has risen to 300.
#EarthquakeUpdate: Death toll crosses 300, thousands spend night outdoors, rescue operations underway.#Pakistan#AfghanistanEarthquake— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 27, 2015
Updated on 27 October, at 10:10 AM:Earthquake that shook Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of India yesterday has so far claimed more than 250 lives across South Asia. More than 1000 have been injured in the massive quake.
Updated at 06:45 PM: Death toll rises to 123 in Pakistan
#earthquake: Death toll rises to 123, as many as 700 injured.#Pakistan#Afghanistan
— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 05:45 PM: Death toll in Pakistan rises to 77.
#earthquake: Death toll in#Pakistanclimbs to 77, after shocks being felt in Swat and other areas.#AfghanistanEarthquake— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 05:17 PM: Another earthquake of magnitude 4.7 on the Richter Scale strikes 45 km E of Farkhar, Afghanistan
JUST IN: A third#earthquakereported 45 km east of Farkhar,#Afghanistana while back.#AfghanistanEarthquake#Pakistan— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 05:05 PM: At least 50 killed in Pakistan, reports Dawn.com
JUST IN: At least 50 dead in#Pakistanafter today's#earthquake, reports@dawn_com— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:58 PM: Fresh images of damaged buildings from Ghazni, Afghanistan
#AfghanistanEarthquakePictures from Ghazni, SW of#Kabul,#Afghanistanshowing damage to buildings. (via BBC)pic.twitter.com/Jl53LRtYPe— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:50 PM: Tremors felt in Ludhiana
#earthquakeTremors hit Ludhianahttps://t.co/KSIor31kBm— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:45 PM: As per latest reports, 29 people have been reported dead in Pakistan
JUST IN: Hundreds injured as numerous buildings collapse in#Pakistanafter#earthquake. Death toll climbs to 29, likely to increase. — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:35 PM: At least 12 school girls killed in Taloqan, Afghanistan
JUST IN: 12 school girls killed in Taloqan,#Afghanistanwhile trying to escape today's#earthquake. (via Mehreen Zahra-Malik, Twitter) — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:25 PM: At least 5 reported dead in Afghanistan, 55 injured
JUST IN: 5 dead in#Afghanistanand 55 injured after#earthquake, via@mehreenzahra— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:15 PM: India-Africa Forum Summit in Delhi continues even after strong tremors
JUST IN: Officials at the#India-#AfricaForum Summit in#Delhireact to#earthquaketremors, meeting continues.pic.twitter.com/q4PmfbKxEQ— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:05 PM: More than 150 people have been injured. Figures likely to increase.
JUST IN: At least 12 dead, more than 150 injured due to#earthquakein#Pakistan, figure likely to rise. (via@_Mans00r) — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 04:02 PM: Tremors felt in various states including Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
#earthquake: Tremors felt in states of#Jammu&#Kashmir,#HimachalPradesh,#Punjab,#Delhi, and parts of#Haryana&#UttarPradesh— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:55 PM: Death toll rises to 12 in Pakistan
#earthquake: Death toll in#Pakistanrises to 12, hospitals in various cities put on emergency. — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:52 PM: Another earthquake of magnitude 4.8 on the Richter scale has been felt in Afghanistan.
JUST IN: Another#earthquakereported east of Farkhar,#Afghanistan— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated on 03:50 PM: Delhi metro services halted after tremors felt in Delhi-NCR
#earthquake:#delhimetroservices halted after tremors were felt in#Delhi#NCRregion today. (Pic via@ndtvindia)pic.twitter.com/iODg8YdzJ4— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03: 45 PM: State of emergency has been declared in Pakistan
JUST IN: State of emergency declared in hospitals across cities in#Pakistanafter#earthquake. (via@etribune) — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:40 PM: A post earthquake image from Kashmir.
JUST IN:#earthquakeimage from#Kashmir(via@ahmermkhan)pic.twitter.com/tZspqxaiPg— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:35 PM: Hindukush region usually observes earthquakes. However, the intensity was on the higher side this time.
#earthquake: Hindukush region often observes earthquakes, but this was a major one with a magnitude of 7.5 on Richter scale. — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03: 29 PM:PM Modi to provide assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan whenever required.
I have asked for an urgent assessment and we stand ready for assistance where required, including Afghanistan & Pakistan. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:28 PM: People in Noida come out of their offices after strong tremors.
Updated at 03:20 PM: According to ABP News, four people have been killed in Pakistan
JUST IN: 4 killed in#Pakistanafter#earthquake, says@abpnewstv— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:12 PM: People in Noida rush out of offices after tremors
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: People in Noida rush out of offices as#earthquaketremors rocked the capitalpic.twitter.com/tn6py68MMM— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 03:11 PM: Phone lines down in Jammu and Kashmir after tremors
JUST IN: Phone lines in parts of#Jammu&#Kashmirdown after#earthquake, network loss reported in#DelhiNCR also, — SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
First images of the earthquake from Gilgit in Baltistan
EXCLUSIVE: First images of reported damage due to#earthquakecoming in from Gilgit in Baltistan,#Pakistanpic.twitter.com/EmmfES6aX5— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 02:58 PM: Epicentre of the earthquake has been confirmed as Hindukush, Afghanistan.
JUST IN: Epicenter of the#earthquakewhich sent tremors across North#Indiais being reported as#Afghanistan— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
Updated at 02:57 PM: Massive tremors were felt in various parts of Delhi-NCR
JUST IN: Massive tremors rock#Delhi,#Kashmir, and other places in North#India.#earthquake— SkymetWeather (@SkymetWeather)October 26, 2015
A strong earthquake of magnitude 7.5 on the Richter scale has hit 45km SSW of Jarm, Afghanistan. The depth of the earthquake was up to 200 km. Massive tremors were also felt in parts of Jammu and Kashmir including Srinagar and Jammu. Also, strong aftershocks were felt in major parts of Delhi-NCR, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh.
Phone lines have been discontinued in many parts of Jammu and Kashmir. Also, Delhi metro services were stopped for some time. Residents of these areas came out of their homes. Offices were seen emptying after tremors were felt in the region.