The Northeast Monsoon has ended with a deficit rainfall of 60%, leaving several areas inTamil Nadu, especially Chennai staring at a severe water crisis.
According to a report inTimes of India, daily water supply in Chennai has already been slashed in many areas.ChennaiAuthorities have a plan to cut the water supply by 30% and supply it once in two days so existing reserves can be used until June.
The shortfall in rainfall during the Northeast Monsoon hitPuducherrythe most as it was left to stare at a 79% rain deficit. As the three-month long period of the Monsoon came to an end, almost all southern states observed a deficiency of more than 60% in rainfall this season.
Tamil Nadu, in particular, recorded a large deficit. The total rainfall in the state was 168 mm while the normal rainfall is 440 mm. While 26 districts faced a large deficit, 11 others were left to witness rainfall below than the average.
Even though the state witnessed a good spell of rain during December in the form of cyclone Vardah, it did not manage to garner sufficient rainfall from the strong weather system.
As perthenewsminute, just a year after the disastrous floods in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu, the state is facing one of its worst monsoons in 150 years. Records show that in 2016, the state received the lowest ever rainfall in a year since 1876.
Delayed onset of Northeast Monsoon and feeble weather systems in Bay of Bengal in 2016 were key factors leading to deficit Northeast Monsoon.
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