Cyclonic circulation in Arabian Sea to bring more rains

June 7, 2016 1:26 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Usually, after the onset of Monsoon, cyclonic circulations on either sides of the coast including the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, take the Monsoon rains forward. These weather systems are responsible for carrying the rains even further.

Currently, an upper air cyclonic circulation is brewing in the Arabian Sea. The weather system is currently stationed over the east-central Arabian Sea off the Karnataka coast. During the next 24 hours, the circulation is expected to become more marked in the medium levels.

Furthermore, the weather system is expected to shift northwards across Konkan and Goa region. With this shift in the system, more rains will be observed along the West Coast. Also, in about 2 to 3 days, Mumbai may also receive some good showers.

The cyclonic circulation at the moment is also giving rains over the sea. However, as these rains are not over the land, thus they are getting unnoticed. The coastal parts of both Karnataka and Maharashtra will receive good rains in the coming days.

During the next few days, increased rainfall activity will also be observed over the interior Peninsula including Madhya Maharashtra and Interior Karnataka. In fact, Bangalore which has already been receiving good rains is likely to witness more showers. Thus, good rains are all set to lash the above-mentioned regions due to which temperatures will also witness a drop.

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