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Cities to receive rain during Valentine week

February 11, 2014 2:13 PM |

With the approach of a new Western Disturbance and a cyclonic circulation near Gujarat, widespread rain is the forecast for many cities of North, East and Northeast India from the 14th to the 17th of February. An anti-cyclonic system in northwest Bay of Bengal on the other hand is likely to give thundershowers at coastal stations of Odisha, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu from 16th February onwards. We have combined a list of cities that could receive rain on the 14th of February.

Delhi - The heart of India, Delhi (not literally but metaphorically yes!) could beat faster on the day dedicated to love as the weather could turn cool and cloudy making the weather perfectly romantic for confessing your love. Rain in Delhi is likely on Valentine's Day which could continue till the 15th of February. Day’s maximum could be well below 20⁰C, so nicely cover yourself if you are planning something outdoors. Parts of Punjab and Haryana will also observe rain on the 14th.

Kolkata - Sweet lovers of the ‘Mishti’ city will witness a dry and warm Valentine’s Day as rain is expected to occur only from the 16th of February onwards. Maximums are expected to hover around 30⁰C in the city. Rain in Kolkata expected later during this week may bring only marginal changes in the day temperatures. Carry an umbrella to protect your love from getting tanned.

Nagpur - There is not only the ‘lovey dovey’ lot in Nagpur celebrating the Valentine’s Day, but also the people from Rotary Club of Nagpur that organize a day-long sports activities and events for special kids every year. Weather will be on your side, if you are a part of such an event. Maximums in Nagpur have been consistently high (above 31⁰C) in the last few days, however rain on the 14th could bring much needed relief from the heat. A cloud cover will pull down the maximums to about 27⁰C.

Lucknow - The best weather to enjoy a nawabi delight is the winter season. And the winter of Lucknow is most famous for its biting cold days and crispy nights. Rainy weather in Lucknow (from 14th to 16th February), with good showers, could add to the winter chill in the city. On this rainy Valentine’s Day, take your darling out for a grand mughlai dinner and some exclusive winter wines.

Guwahati - Who says Valentine’s Day is only meant to be having a lavish dinner in an expensive restaurant. Do it differently this year. If you and your partner love sight-seeing then a visit to the Kaziranga National Park could make your experience a memorable one in the rainy weather. A week long Kaziranga Elephant Festival takes place at the park in the month of February every year. Rain is expected to occur in Guwahati and adjoining areas from the 15th to the 17th of February. Maximums that are currently settling around 29⁰C, could drop by 3 to 5 degrees due to rain.

Bhuvaneshwar – More than three hundred rose farmers in Bhuvaneshwar and Cuttack will rejoice at the news of rain this week (rain is likely on the 11th of Feb and again from 15th of Feb onwards). Not only will rain make their roses look prettier but will also make the weather even more romantic, increasing more sales. More than half the money earned by farmers and florists is made during the Valentines week.

Photo by geekalerts.

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