Chill in Delhi, Minimum records 15.6ºC

October 17, 2014 3:57 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Its not even winter and Delhi people are experiencing chilly mornings and winters!

As October advances , the minimum temperature in Delhi see a sharp decline.  Delhi’s minimum temperature reaches 15.6ºC from 21.8 ºC recorded on 14th October. In last ten years, temperature in the national capital has only touched  15ºC towards the end of the month as compared to the middle of the month observed during this year.

If not much stress, then certainly mornings in Delhi have become conducive and pleasantly cold for an effortless morning walk for health.

Minimum temperatures in last ten years


Year Temperature Date in Oct.
2005 13.7 31
2006  16.3 31
2007 14.5 30
2008 16.4 20
2009 13.5 26

Factors leading to sudden chill

After southwest monsoon withdraws, parts of North India and Central India come under the influence of western disturbances that moves towards east from west. The disturbance result in light to moderate rain in Delhi and hilly states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. It leads to snow in Jammu and Kashmir area.

Additionally, persistent northwesterly winds from the hills of Jammu and Kashmir and the position of the sun having moved towards the south usually makes the days colder than before.