As reiterated by Skymet Meteorology Division in India, Chennai has been receiving some very good rain since the last few days. In a span of 24 hours from 8.30 am on Thursday, the city has observed 78.1 mm of rain, which is the second highest rainfall amount recorded during the month so far. The highest has been 115 mm on October 18. The other days when the city experienced good showers was on October 19 (75 mm) and October 21 (24 mm).
The recent spell of rain has pushed the total rainfall amount in Chennai to 329.6 mm, which has reached 115% of the monthly average of 286.4 mm. And with the Northeast Monsoon still active and one more week to go before the month comes to an end, the rainfall figure can exceed even further.
The Northeast Monsoon season from October to December is the time when the state receives its bulk of rain. Rain in Chennai is usually observed in spurts during the initial days of October. It becomes frequent after the actual onset of Northeast Monsoon around October 20 with ± 7 days.
The Northeast Monsoon mainly affects five regions in the southern peninsula- coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and south interior Karnataka, bringing spells of heavy rainfall in these regions.