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Chennai rains pick up pace as onset of Northeast Monsoon nears, to intensify soon

October 16, 2019 8:35 AM |

Chennai rains

As the onset of Northeast Monsoon is around the corner, Chennai rains are also picking up a pace. During the last 24 hours, the capital city has observed moderate rain and thundershower activities.

October is considered as the second rainiest month for the city with a monthly average of 315.6 mm, November being the first with 374.4 mm average rainfall.

According to our meteorologists, on and off rains would continue over Chennai for the next few days and would gradually intensify once the Northeast Monsoon sets in.

Meanwhile, Interior and South Tamil Nadu including Coimbatore, Madurai, Nagapattinam, Karaikal would record moderate to heavy rain.

The main driver of these weather activities is the Cyclonic Circulation over Lakshadweep area. Due to this system, humid winds from the Bay of Bengal are gaining strength and blowing over the region. Also, easterly waves are making the conditions favourable for rains.

These rains would be seen until October 17. Thereafter, a slight dip is expected in the rainfall activities as a Low Pressures Area would form and all the moisture concentration would remain around that system only.

Thus, rains would continue with decreased intensity in Chennai on October 18 and 19. Thereafter, a significant increase would be seen.

Image Credits – The Indian Express 

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