During the last 24 hours, moderate rain and thundershowers have occurred at many places with heavy showers at isolated places of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Kerala. While Tamil Nadu received light rainfall at some places. The general weather over southern states was warm and humid with cloudy sky conditions. Like for instance significant rain in the past 24 hours has been recorded at Kurnool and Arogyavaram, both in Andhra Pradesh of 56 mm and 42 mm, respectively. While Erode in Tamil Nadu saw 38 mm of rain with Bengaluru recording 31 mm of rainfall.
These weather conditions are prevailing due to the presence of a Cyclonic Circulation over parts of North Interior Karnataka and adjoining parts of Telangana while other Cyclonic Circulation is persisting over the northern parts of Kerala. In wake of these weather systems, the moist winds from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea are continuously affecting the southern parts of the country.
Hence during the next three to four days, similar weather conditions that is light to moderate rain and thundershower would continue at many places of Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. Whereas Tamil Nadu is likely to receive light rainfall mainly along the foothills. Places like Anantapur, Bengaluru, Kolar, Kurnool, Kodaikanal, and Vizianagram, West and East Godavari, Belgaum, Gadag, Vijayapura, etc. are likely to see spells of heavy showers during the next 24 hours.
The occurrence of this rainfall is very useful over the southern states for all types of crops like coconut, paddy, groundnut, sugarcane, jowar, bajra. Since the Kharif season is starting over the southern peninsula, therefore these rains will be helpful for the seeding of such crops.
Image Credits – India Today
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