Capital city of Karnataka has been recording soaring temperatures for the last one week. Highest temperature of this year was registered on 02nd April 2024. City observatory recorded maximum temperature of 37.2°C, while it has the mean monthly temperature of 34.1°C in April. There is no rainfall recorded since first week of January 2024. Both, the day and night temperatures have been running well above the normal by about 3°C.
Bengaluru has an elevation of around 3,000’ and sits on a plateau. The height above the mean sea level keeps the city relatively better than the surroundings. April and May are the hottest months for the city. April scores over May, as the thunderstorm activity becomes frequent in May which transfers the accumulated heat and results cooling.
Bengaluru recorded the highest temperature of April in the last 8 years, since 2016. The highest ever mercury level was recorded in April 2016 when city observatory scaled high of 39.2°C. As against this all time high, the city recorded 37.2°C on 02nd April 2024, the highest in the last 8 years, since 2016.
Incidentally, Bengaluru has become hotter than Delhi during last few days. The last seven days mean temperature, between 28th March and 03rd April was 36.2°C for Bengaluru and 35.2°C for Delhi ( Safdarjung). During this period, Delhi recorded highest of 37.8°C on 29thMarch and Bengaluru registered high of 37.2°C on 02nd April. Yesterday, Delhi and Bengaluru, both recorded maximum of 36.6°C. Day temperature will hover around 36-37°C for both, Delhi and Bengaluru, for the next one week or so. While, Delhi may have light rain or drizzle tomorrow night, Bengaluru stands a chance, only after 11thApril 2024.
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