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Bangalore holds distinction of clear visibility conditions

December 5, 2014 12:22 PM |

Bangalore SunriseAll stations across Peninsular India are reporting haze now-a-days but Bangalore holds the distinction of witnessing clear visibility conditions across the country.

It is the only station which is reporting CAVOK, i.e. cloud and visibility ok at present. South India generally escapes the effects of fog but coastal stations witness sea fog. Thus, cities like Kochi, Chennai, Coimbatore, and Trivandrum are reporting light haze.

Bangalore does witness fog in the winter season but clearance is generally quick. Though fog is short-lived, it can have serious consequences. Pilots are generally informed about the visibility conditions and the only solution is to avoid the region witnessing fog.

Technology and training has taken a big leap in the field of aviation but poor visibility still remains a concern for aviation. In the recent past, technology demonstration of flying machines, along with high level of expertise of aircrew has mitigated the risk involved in complex air operations during adverse weather conditions. However, vagaries of weather are not advised to be taken lightly at any stage of flying missions.

fog in IndiaAll airports are not equipped with instruments to facilitate landing during poor visibility conditions. Neither are all aircrew equally trained to fly in poor visibility nor are all aircrafts equipped with avionics to negotiate inclement weather conditions.

Fog has already made an appearance in most parts of North India. As shown in the figure, thick fog has been covering parts of the foothills of east Uttar Pradesh. Northeast and Central parts are also witnessing fog with visibility reducing to even 200 meters in few cities.

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