UPDATE: 09-02-2015
Termed as a miracle, out of 10 soldiers that were presumed dead in the avalanche on 3rdthis month, one soldier has miraculously survived the avalanche. Lance Naik Hanaman Thappa of Madras Regiment was buried under 25 feet of snow. After six days of continuous search operation by the Indian Army, the soldier was pulled out with no sign of life but pulse.
The condition of solider is still critical. The rescuer tagged the event as an unusual and unbelievable event. The survivor is a resident of Dharwad district of Karnataka.
“It was a miraculous rescue, all efforts are being made to evacuate Lance Naik Hanaman Thappa to the RR hospital in the morning,” said Lieutenant General DS Hooda, Northern Army Commander.
First Published on 03-02-2016
More than 10 Indian Army Soldiers go missing after a massive avalanche hits Siachen glacier. The avalanche struck this morning in the northern most part of the glacier. The army men stationed there belongs to the Madras Regiment.
One particular army post has completely gone under the glacier. The Indian Army, the Army Aviation helicopters and the Indian Air Force helicopters have begun the rescue operations at the affected zone.
Also Read:What Is An Avalanche?
Such avalanche happens when ice blocks move down from north. The average altitude of the area is 20,000 feet, and the average temperature is -20 degree Celsius.
Four soldiers of 3 Ladakh Scouts were also killed in such an unannounced happening last month when their patrol was hit by a massive avalanche in Ladakh regions of Jammu & Kashmir, Read MoreHere. A similar incident happened on the other side of the border when an avalanche hit the Pakistani side killing more than 30 people.
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Main Image Credit: indiatoday.com