Skymet weather

Amritsar, Lucknow witness dense fog

January 18, 2017 7:52 AM |

fog-in-amritsarAmritsar and Lucknow continue to reel under the grip of dense fog conditions with visibility dropping to zero and 50 meters, respectively on Wednesday. According to Skymet Weather, the ongoing foggy weather is mainly due to localised factor.

Meanwhile, rest of the country continue to be fog free, with few places recording shallow fog. Delhi reported visibility of 400 meters, while Allahabad and Gorakhpur witnessed shallow fog with visibility of 600 meters.

Weathermen predict that similar weather conditions will continue for another 24 to 48 hours. The reason can be attributed to the strong and cold northwesterly winds that have been blowing across the region. Being dry in nature, these winds have also reduced levels of humidity up to much extent.

All these factors did not let the formation of fog across the Indo- Gangetic plains. For the formation of fog, minimum temperatures should settle on the lower side, wind speed should be light and moisture content should be high. At present, none of these three factors can be seen across the northwestern plains and East India.

We can expect fog to make a comeback by the weekend as winds are likely to die down and minimum temperatures may drop further. Meanwhile, a fresh Western Disturbance will also be affecting Jammu and Kashmir that will change the wind pattern to relatively warm and humid winds. This will in turn increase the moisture level in the atmosphere.

Image credit: NDTV

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