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Air pollution- a silent killer

December 23, 2013 6:25 PM |

Economic development, in the form of industrialisation is not only taking a toll on our health but also leading to large-scale degeneration of our environment. What is the point and meaning of a development which proves detrimental to the populace across the board?  Choking air, toxic clouds and acidic rain are all bye products of this dangerous phenomenon which is heavily punitive for all age groups.

Most vulnerable are the young ones who cannot protect themselves and need special care and attention all the time. It is a problem confronting many parents. Everyone has the right to know as to what are we exactly breathing and what is the safe limit?  What is really damaging our system and how much?  Let Diwali and Lohri not be the only occasions when increased amount of pollution on account of large scale burning, rakes up the issue which dies its natural death in few days time.

Be it school children, office goers or elderly men and women, health concerns are changing the life style.  Parents look for a school for their children with safe and decent play ground even if these are indoor and free from pollution. Young generation do not mind relocating their residence or changing their job to ensure safe limit of air pollution. Majority, including the senior citizens opt to exercise indoor in the gymnasium and rather not expose and inhale pollution.

Persistent moderate to dense fog over Delhi and NCR is manifestation of high level of  air pollution and indicator of unsafe environmental conditions. As per the official reports , PM 10 (Particulate Matter)  and PM 2.5 levels increased by 20% and 15 % respectively during the recent  dense fog conditions  over Delhi. Also several places had the PM 10 levels as high as five times of prescribed limits.  Moisture and cold air along with such alarming levels of pollutants leave large number of people vulnerable to respiratory illness.

It is feared that pollution menace, if unchecked, is going to worsen in the next decade or so. Like many other campaigns by the health sector to safeguard the common man, danger of this disaster needs to be communicated through various means. There is need for transparency from the government agencies to disclose and share the risk and problems of environmental hazards and also the measures taken to mitigate their effects.  These can no longer remain `Black Box` operations.  Pro active and preventive approach always score over the reactive ones.  Going by the track record and bleak prospects of any magical improvement, we seem to learn to live with it for the time being.


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