Prolonged spell of rain and thundershowers is waiting in the wings, to lash most parts of our country. It is rather unusual to have simultaneous weather activity at this time of the year. Mostly, monsoon rains are the one covering large chunk of landmass at given point of time. Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are not considered sensitive weather pockets around 1st half of March. The upcoming weather activity may go in record as aberration from the normal.
Weather activity will start with Telangana on 16th March and expand subsequently to cover Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema between 17th and 19th March. Rain and thundershowers will also be accompanied with lightning, strong winds and possibly hail at some places. Incidents of hailstorm may not be many for the 2 states but has a record earlier on more than one occasions.
Cyclonic circulation is coming up over Vidarbha, North Karnataka and Telangana on 16th March. It will persist with very little shift, for the next 3-4 days. Anticyclone positioned over Bay of Bengal, off Andhra Pradesh coast will be fuelling this feature with moist winds. Intensity and spread of weather activity will peak on 18th and 19th March and therefore, hailstorm, if any, will occur during this period. State of Telangana has had the distinction of having hailstorm in January last year and the city of Hyderabad was held to ransom with another intense activity of hailstorm in April 2018.
Unseasonal and untimely weather activity will become light to moderate on 20th and 21st Mar and improve further subsequently. Mercury is expected to take a dip by 3-5 degree. Most locations are likely to exceed their normal monthly rainfall during this wet spell.