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Active Monsoon to give more rains over Odisha and Andhra Pradesh

June 30, 2017 6:54 PM |

Odisha deep depression NDTV 600

With the arrival of Southwest Monsoon over Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, the intense summer heat took a back seat paving way for moderate to heavy rains over the region. However, these good showers mainly affected the coastal regions in contrast to interior districts.


The last 24 hours were also not very different for both the states, as Monsoon remained active giving good rain and thundershowers over several parts.

Moreover, a cyclonic circulation is seen over northwest and adjoining west-central Bay of Bengal off Odisha and North Andhra Coast.

Therefore, moderate to heavy rainfall will continue to batter numerous places along the coast as well as some interior regions of Odisha during the next 48 hours.

Andhra Pradesh will also get light rain over south coastal parts, whereas north coastal regions will observe light to moderate showers. Rayalaseema may witness light rain over few parts.

Weathermen say that moderate to strong winds will hover over the areas; as a result temperatures will settle in lower 30 degrees.

Odisha and AP

Take a look at the live lightning and thunderstorm status across Odisha and Andhra Pradesh

In the last 9 hours from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm today, Bhubaneswar recorded a whopping 62 mm of rainfall, followed by Gopalpur 29 mm, Sambalpur 8 mm, Kakinada 3 mm, Visakhapatnam and Puri 1 mm of light showers.

For the month of June, Coastal Andhra Pradesh remained surplus by 44 percent, and Rayalaseema by 31 percent, while Odisha was near normal by minus 2 percent.

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