Active Monsoon conditions over Gujarat

July 3, 2022 10:00 AM | Skymet Weather Team

During the last 48 hours, the Gujarat region has been receiving intense rain and thundershower activities. Deesa, Surat and Valsad recorded three-digit rainfall whereas moderate to heavy rains occurred over Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Keshod and adjoining areas. Moderate to strong winds from the Arabian Sea will continue to feed moisture over Gujarat.

Moreover, a cyclonic circulation is expected to move along central parts of the country from Chhattisgarh to South Gujarat across Vidarbha and South Madhya Pradesh. These of weather parameters will ensure that Gujarat will continue to receive moderate to heavy showers for at least next one week.

Intensity of rain will be more over Gujarat region in comparison to Saurashtra and Kutch. First 10 days of July seems to be very good for Gujarat. Between June 01 and July 1st, Gujarat region is deficient by 45% and Saurashtra and Kutch by 51%.

Monsoon reached Gujarat well before time. South Gujarat witnessed first monsoon rain on June 13, whereas normal date of onset of monsoon over Southern parts of Gujarat is June 20. On June 27, Monsoon covered almost entire Gujarat except Northeastern districts. Onset of monsoon over Gujarat remained weak. But now rains have picked pace and active monsoon rains will continue.

By the end of this rain episode and state of Gujarat may become rain surplus or near normal.