Abnormally Cool Temperatures Over Northern Plains, No Heat Wave Likely

May 2, 2024 1:41 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Plains of North India have defied the earlier predictions of extreme heat across various parts of the country, during pre-monsoon season. There are very few observations of reaching/exceeding 40°C during the season, so far. On the contrary, most parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi have remained unusually mild during April. The month of May has begun on a cool note, with day and night temperatures plunging far below the normal. No heat wave was recorded over these parts during the month of April.

Contrasting weather conditions have prevailed over different parts, in the month of April. The interiors of the South Peninsula and the eastern parts witnessed oppressive heat. Northern plains have enjoyed rather unusual,  light and cosy conditions. Prominent locations witnessed a sharp drop in mercury levels. The maximum temperature recorded at Amritsar- 29.8°C (-9),  Ludhiana-30.1°C (-8), Firozepore-30.3°C (-9), Jalandhar-29.7°C (-9), Chandigarh-30.9°C (-7). In the neighbouring state of Haryana, similar records were repeated. Some of the locations recorded day maximum: Ambala-31°C (-7), Karnal-32°C (-6), Hisar-33.1°C (-8), Rohtak-32.4°C (-7). Other cities like Pathankot, Patiala, Kapurthala, and Narnaul had similar records. Even the minimum temperatures have been unusually low in the entire region. Amritsar recorded a low of 13.6°C and Firozepore- 13.5°C and were the lowest in the plains of the country. These temperatures are generally witnessed in February and are atypical at this time of the year.

Prolonged and heavy spells of rain and snow in the hills has triggered such strange weather conditions. Cool winds from the snow-clad peaks, rushing down the slopes, have literally doused the sting of heat, prominently seen at this time of the year. Western disturbance has now moved away and cleared the Western Himalayas. Another one is approaching very soon and trailed by yet another system likely to arrive, the next weekend. The mercury will rise over the plains but any shoot and scoot is unlikely. Day and night temperatures will remain suppressed and the entire region will continue to enjoy the comforts of decent weather conditions, for another week or so.

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