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7 Golden Rules To Kickstart Your Winter Day

March 4, 2024 8:00 AM |

lazy winters

We all know it is the Winter season and who would want to leave a comfortable and warm bed on a cold, chilly morning?  Instead if given a chance, all of us, without a doubt, would choose hibernation as a lifetime choice during winter.

All of us hate waking up on a cold morning but when duty calls, snuggling up under covers won't help.

Here are a few tips to help the late-risers like you to part ways with your warm beds:

Morning coffee

For most of us, it's the morning coffee that keeps us running for the rest of the day. If the tantalizing smell of coffee gets you on your feet, ask your loved ones to make a cup of brewed coffee for you and serve it to you in bed. There is no harm in having your morning dose of coffee in bed as long as you are ready to wake up after that.

Also read: 7 Reasons to visit scintillating Shillong this Winter

Waking Up Warm

Why do you not want to leave your bed in the morning? The answer is simple. Your bed is warm, and the moment you are out of bed, your blanket seduces you back into its arms. Well, you can change that. Before sleeping, keep a warm jacket on your bedside and keep your slippers right under your bed. This way when you get up in the morning, your jacket will be as attractive as the blanket and you will not feel cold.

No More Snoozing

If you have to get up in the morning, you need to stop using the snooze feature on your phone. Let me sleep for another five minutes leads to another hour of rendezvous with your bed. Try setting an alarm on your clock instead and place it at a far-away distance. This way when you get up to shut that annoying clock off, you can start with your day rather than snuggling inside your bed again.

Pocket Full Of Sunshine

A dark room in the morning may be holding you back from getting up on time. Before sleeping, try keeping your curtains open so that the first rays of the sun hit you straight in the face. Bright sunlight will bring in some much-needed warmth and will rejuvenate your senses.

Cold Water

Well, we don’t mean a splash of cold water on your face first thing in the morning! Instead, it’s a glass of cold water by the side of your bed. Keep a glass of water right before sleeping so that you can take your morning sip of refreshment. Another great way to wake up fresh is to shower right after bed as this will not only wake you up completely but also make your mornings quicker.

The Golden Rule

Although Facebook, video games and late-night TV may lure you into waking up till wee hours in the morning, it is best not to surrender yourself to these temptations. Sleeping on time remains the golden rule of waking up early. If you do not sleep when you are tired and postpone bedtime, you will wake up tired. The idea is to sleep early so that you get enough sleep before it is time to wake up again.

Kickstart With Upbeat Music

There is nothing better than good music to keep you up and happy. If you are a music buff, here is a trick that might help you wake up in the morning. Compile a play-list comprising your favourite songs. In the morning, when you get up to switch your alarm clock off, hit the play button on your mobile. In no time, you will feel fantastic brushing your teeth at the sound of your favourite song.

Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather

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