Air pollution has been created by us and we can curb it too. The common man like us can do wonders if we decide to. And what's best than to start off with a 'How to' list that has been foolproofed by the World Health Organisation itself. Let's take you straight to the list-
1.Not driving during rush hour
Taking public transport like the metro or the bus can do wonders when it is rush hours. Even car-pooling with co-workers and mates can go a long way to curb the worsening AQI. Electric scooters are quickly becoming a viable alternative to petrol-powered scooters in the face of rising air pollution. If you are searching for electric scooters, you shouldcompare electric scootersavailable before buying.
2. Walking to work and school
If your destination is just a mile away it won’t hurt to walk a little bit. Moreover, a little cardio is always good for health. Isn’t this a ‘two geese in one arrow’ situation.
3. Driving an electric vehicle or a bicycle
Electric cars might not be a fad in India as of now, but electric scooters for sure are time tested on Indian roads. Many times, celebrities like Salman Khan and Rahul Gandhi are seen driving bicycles on their daily commute. It’s uber-cool and puts you away from the herd. Make a fashion statement and arrive on your environment-friendly two-wheeler. If an electric bike or a bicycle is your thing, then why not? In the US especially, many people who want to get started with biking use electric bikes, usually they attach a motorized bicycle kit to their classic one and get going.
4. Composting waste
People living in houses with an attached house garden are the most blessed one as they can simply put their bio-degradable waste in a pit and garner the multi-faceted benefits. Not just will they make a difference in their carbon-footprint, their garden will benefit even more.
5. Recycling your waste
It’s always a good idea to recycle as much as we can- phone parts, electronic, glass, paper, plastics and whatnot. Also, try not buying more single-use plastic as these will never be recycled or composted.Kabadiwalasplay a huge role here, they even pay you for your handovers.
6. Not burning waste
If the final destination of your trash is a chimney, you’re probably doing it wrong. Try and track where your trash ends up. There are designated city landfills where trash is sorted and if it's not compostable or recyclable, its made to fill in the vacant land.
7. Using renewable energy to power your house
Solar power is super trendy these days. Multiple electronic companies are coming up with uber-cool lighting options that use solar power. Installing a solar water heater on rooftops is one very economical option that many residents are into theirrenewable energy plans. Hydel power over thermal power source will always be the better option.
8. Using clean energy to prepare food
LPG is a deal-breaker any day. Clean energy is used by most people living in urban housing these days. However, villagers still rely on wood and burning fuel to cook their food.
9. Checking air pollution levels daily
Yes, even this makes a difference on a whole new level. Being aware of your surroundings is a step forward to a better tomorrow. Spreading the right word, and knowledge only helps. Doing this is made even easier by some very smart apps like ‘Skymet AQI’. This is where you can track live Air Quality and stay abridged.The appalso tells you when you require to wear a mask. How smart is that?
10. Turning off lights and electronics when not in use
Let’s end the list on the easiest, simplest and the most famed one- ‘Turning off lights when not in use.’ We know it, yet we haven’t made it a habit. Save your bill and turn off that switch. It’s definitely high time.
Image Credits– MoneyWeek, DeccanChronicle, First Choice Power
Any information taken from here should be credited to Skymet Weather