Northern Plains engulfed by Dense Fog and Chilled Air, snowfall to commence soon

January 23, 2024 10:16 AM | Skymet Weather Team

A thick blanket of fog has engulfed vast swathes of northwest and east India, painting a surreal picture of veiled horizons and disrupted lives. Visibility has plummeted, causing havoc on travel, with countless flights delayed or cancelled and road and rail traffic crawling at a snail's pace. This icy grip extends beyond the pre-dawn gloom, persisting well into the forenoon hours.

As the sun struggles to pierce the hazy air, temperatures remain stubbornly low, leading to "cold day" conditions. While the fog usually lifts by forenoon, its legacy lingers as a shroud of upper haze and low clouds, shielding the ground from sunshine and keeping the mercury locked in a chilly embrace. This phenomenon is further fuelled by persistent high-altitude jet stream winds, effectively trapping the cold air over the northern plains.

The harsh reality is that this frosty scenario may play out for another 3-4 days, with both the dense fog's intensity gradually reducing and day temperatures inching upwards. However, cold day conditions might persist in some parts of northwest India.

But what about the snow lovers? Well, the Western Himalayas have remained surprisingly bare so far. However, a dramatic shift is on the horizon. An intense Western Disturbance is predicted to grace the region by January 26th, promising moderate snowfall from January 27th, potentially lasting until the first week of February. This news might bring cheer to winter enthusiasts, but it also serves as a stark reminder – winter's icy grip is far from over, and this year, it seems, its stay might be a tad longer.

So, brace yourselves for a few more days of muffled mornings, bundled afternoons, and the anticipation of a snowy spectacle in the Himalayas. Remember, layering up, taking precautions during travel, and cherishing the cozy moments are key to making the most of this extended winter wonderland.

Image credit: Hindustan