The national capital is under a thick envelope of lifted fog. Though the horizontal visibility has not deteriorated much, vertical visibility has dropped because the sky is not discernible. Yesterday, the sun could come out in the forenoon hours raising the day maximum to 18.6°C. The minimum in the morning was 7.1°C. Day temperature today may not cross beyond 14°C. So, with a minimum of under 10°C and a maximum of about 6°C below the normal, capital will qualify for a ‘cold day’ today.
The mild western disturbance has already moved across the mountains. Cold air sweeps in the rear of the system. The night temperature may drop and is likely to stay below normal on the weekend. Moderate fog and a thick layer of mist, accompanied by a mild breeze will cause similar conditions tomorrow and the day after. Sky-obscured conditions are quite likely to persist on the weekend. Accordingly, cold day conditions are expected on Saturday and Sunday, as well.
There is no active western expected for the next one week, till Republic Day. A moderate system is quite likely to approach the hills on around 26thJan. Its impact may remain limited to the hilly states only. So, the dry spell is likely to continue for Delhi/NCR. It may last for the remaining days of the month.
Image Credit: indianexpress