Tamil Nadu Weather Forecast
Depression over the Andaman Sea weakens to low pressure area, may persist for 48 hours
April 3, 2021
[Hindi] बंगाल की खाड़ी में बना प्री-मॉनसून सीज़न का पहला डिप्रेशन, जल्द ही गहरा डिप्रेशन बन सकता है
April 2, 2021
Maiden depression of pre-monsoon season forms in the Bay of Bengal, may intensify to deep depression
April 2, 2021
[Hindi] अंडमान सागर में बना गहरे निम्न दबाव का क्षेत्र डिप्रेशन में तब्दील होगा
April 1, 2021
Well marked low over the Andaman Sea may become depression shortly, cyclone ruled out
April 1, 2021
Well marked low pressure area over the Bay of Bengal, may intensify to depression
March 31, 2021
[Hindi] चेन्नई ने मार्च के सभी समय के रिकॉर्ड को तोड़ दिया, पारा 41.3 डिग्री पहुँचा
March 31, 2021
Chennai break all-time record of March, the mercury hit the roof with 41.3 degrees
March 31, 2021
Maiden low pressure area of pre-monsoon season forms over the Bay of Bengal, heavy rains likely
March 30, 2021
Rare and unseasonal rains battered Tamil Nadu, more rain in store for North Coastal Tamil Nadu and South Coastal Andhra Pradesh
February 21, 2021
Chennai match concludes just in time, showers wait in the wings
February 17, 2021
Unseasonal rains are expected over central India, East India and South Peninsula
February 9, 2021