rain in Chennai
Chennai continues to receive fairly widespread rain, temperatures settling below normal
May 15, 2015
Chennai continues to remain hot and humid, rain expected in next 72 hours
May 8, 2015
Pre-Monsoon Rain: Record-breaking rainfall in Chennai brings temperatures down
April 16, 2015
Good pre-monsoon showers lash Tamil Nadu, including coastline
April 16, 2015
Chennai witnesses best weather conditions in January and February
January 6, 2015
System in Bay of Bengal continues to give rain over TN and Andhra
December 30, 2014
TN and Andhra receives good rain due to prevailing system in Bay of Bengal
December 29, 2014
Depression over southwest Bay of Bengal continues to bring good showers in Sri Lanka
December 27, 2014
Temperatures in TN and Kerala rise as rain reduces significantly
December 23, 2014
Six consecutive days of wet spell in Chennai
December 15, 2014
Despite good showers, Chennai likely to stare at deficit rainfall in December
December 11, 2014
South India witnesses heavy rain
December 11, 2014