Hot weather in Mumbai
[Hindi] मुंबई में गर्मी चरम पर, सीजन पर पहली बार पारा पहुंचा 37 डिग्री के स्तर पर
March 4, 2021
Relief from heat in Ratnagiri, Raigad, Mahabaleshwar; protect crops from hot winds
March 27, 2018
[Hindi] मुंबई भीषण लू की चपेट में; अधिक उमस से मौसम हो गया है जानलेवा
March 26, 2018
Heatwave in Mumbai: City continues to battle hot weather as mercury soars to 32 degrees at 9 am
March 26, 2018
Mumbai to reel under extremely hot weather as no relief in offing
February 28, 2018
Mumbai weather to get uncomfortable, relief on weekend likely
April 10, 2017
Madhya Maharashtra to swelter with above normal maximums
February 28, 2017
Mumbai roasts with temperature touching 36 degree Celsius
February 14, 2017
Above Normal Temperatures across Maharashtra for next few days
December 31, 2015
Record breaking day temperature in Mumbai
March 26, 2015