Gujarat winters
Temperatures to play see saw in Gujarat for next few days
February 11, 2020
Gujarat: Cold week ahead, night temperature to settle below normal in Naliya, Bhuj, Deesa and Mehsana
February 4, 2020
Fourth cold spell to commence in Gujarat from Jan 23, single digit minimum likely
January 21, 2020
Winter chill grips Gujarat, most places record below normal temperatures
January 17, 2020
Winter rain likely in Bhuj, Rajkot, Naliya and Porbandar during next 24 to 48 hours
January 12, 2020
[HINDI] गुजरात में दूसरे कोल्ड स्पेल की शुरुआत, नालिया का न्यूनतम सीजन का सबसे कम
January 10, 2020
Second cold spell commences in Gujarat, Naliya records lowest minimum of the season
January 10, 2020
[Hindi] गुजरात में सर्दी जल्द देगी दस्तक, उत्तर से आ रही ठंडी हवाओं से तापमान में होगी गिरावट
December 26, 2019
Winter chill to grip Gujarat now, icy cold winds from north to drop mercury significantly
December 26, 2019
[Hindi] गुजरात का मौसम: अरब सागर में बना तूफान पवन नहीं आएगा गुजरात, हालांकि दक्षिणी शहरों में होगी बारिश
December 5, 2019
Risk of approaching Cyclone fizzles out for Gujarat, rain likely in southern part of the state
December 5, 2019
Clouding over Gujarat around January 20; comfortable nights ahead
January 18, 2019