New Delhi, Wednesday, September 12, Rainfall activities are likely to pick up in Haryana, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh. Rain belt will also cover northwest Madhya Pradesh, central Uttar Pradesh. East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar Jharkhand. West Bengal, Sikkim and the northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh would continue to receive showers.
Rainfall activities are expected to receive a spike as the western end of the monsoon trough is shifting northwards. Due to this shift, Delhi, Haryana and west Uttar Pradesh would experience a subsequent increase in rainfall during the next twenty four to seventy two hours.
Starting from Jaisalmer in Rajasthan the monsoon trough is passing through the center of the low pressure area, Satna, Daltonganj, Balasore and thence southeastwards to the eastcentral Bay of Bengal. Monsoon trough is essentially a region of intensified monsoon winds.
Just like the western end, the eastern end of the monsoon trough is also moving in a northward direction and would be closer to the Himalayan foothill during the next forty eight to seventy two hours. With this movement, rain would begin to increase over east Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Sikkim and over the northeastern states in Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Rains could be heavy at one or two places over the northeastern states.
However, along with the movement of the monsoon trough in the region, north Madhya Pradesh is also containing a low pressure area, which has become less marked. But, there is still enough moisture in it to bring showers over north and west Madhya, east Rajasthan and east Gujarat region.
The other low pressure area over southeast Pakistan now lies over Kutch and neighbourhood. The southwesterly winds are keeping this weather system alive for the next twenty four to thirty six hours. Saurashtra and Kutch will receive showers during this period. Rain is expected to say goodbye to this region due to the change in the direction of the winds from southwesterly to westerly. This will defuse the system over Kutch.
Due to the same factor, the offshore trough along the west coast is moving away from the coast and becoming less active. The winds from the deep Arabian Sea is giving way to the dry westerly winds. Light rain is expected to continue over the region during the next twenty four hours. Due to a reduction in the rainfall activities, temperatures are expected to increase over these areas.