Skymet weather

Rain in Himalayan foothills is likely to increase; Flood like situation in Bihar and Assam may deteriorate further

New Delhi, Saturday  July 14, The shift of the axis of monsoon continues towards Himalayan foothills and indicates heavy rainfall in east Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and sub-Himalayan West Bengal in the next twenty four hours. In the next twenty four to forty eight hours, heavy rain in Tarai region of Himalayas may bring more water to deteriorate flood like situation in Biha

The axis of monsoon trough passes through Ferozpur, Meerut , Hardoi, Sultanpur, Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur , Berhampur and thence southeastwards to Northeast Bay of Bengal.

Most parts of northwest India are likely to remain under the grip of westerly winds. A feeble Western Disturbance lies over north Pakistan . As the axis of monsoon shifts towards foothills, there is chance of decrease in strength of rain over northwest plains in Punjab Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan. The hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh are likely to get rains in the next twenty four hours. West Rajasthan where monsoon reached before the schedule of 15 July, is expected to be dry in the next twenty four hours.

Along the west coast monsoon seasonal trough remains feeble and extends from Konkan coast to Kerala coast. Rains along the west coast are likely to be subdued and moderate. For the rest of parts of the region, light showers are expected.

A cyclonic circulation has formed over the central India over Vidarbha and adjoining areas. This will bring moderate rain in Vidarbha and adjoining areas including Telegana in the next twenty four hours. Pockets of Andhra Pradesh coast are likely to get moderate rains too.

Due to the temporary confinement of the moisture laden southeasterly winds along the foothills of Himalayas, north Assam and Arunachal would experience moderate to heavy rainfall. Flood situation in Assam may aggravate due to heavy downpours at a few places. Light to moderate rain is likely to continue over the rest of the parts of northeast India.




Monsoon shifting northwards to the Himalayans foothills; Break-monsoon conditions expected over northwest India

New Delhi, Friday July 13 The axis of monsoon trough is shifting towards Himalayan foothills and the break of the monsoon like conditions are anticipated to prevail over northwest India . With this shift of monsoon trough rains over Haryana, Delhi , Rajasthan, Gujarat and west M.P, are likely to decrease during next four to five days. Marginal rise in temperatures are also possible over North West plains.

The axis of monsoon trough is running through Ganganagar, Meerut , Bareilly , Gorakhpur , Darbhanga and thence eastwards to Nagaland. Due to shift of this line towards Himalayan foothills, areas below this line are expected to receive less rain during next two to three days..
In Delhi , monsoon line is shifting from South Delhi to north Delhi . Light rainfall is expected in Delhi in the next twenty four hours. Humidity and marginal temperature hike is likely to make you sweats more.
Meanwhile, due to this shift, heavy to very heavy downpours are expected in Himalayan foothills in the next twenty four hours. Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, east Uttar Pradesh, north Bihar Sikkim and northeastern states are likely to be lash by extensive moderate rain.
Along the west coast, the seasonal trough is weak and extends from Konkan coast to Kerala coast. West coast will continue to get good rains. Moderate rainfall is predicted to continue over coastal regions of Maharashtra , Karnataka and Kerala.
Rainfall over cistern parts of central India and south peninsula will reduce considerably.
West Rajasthan and Gujarat except south coastal Gujarat will remain dry.

How to save electronic gadgets when it rains

New Delhi, Thursday 12 July, Mobile, Laptop and wrist watch are such accessories, which are very dear to us due to their usefulness and closeness to us. We always try to keep them with us as if they have become part of us. So, saving them from rain water is very important. If rain water inserts and wet it from inside, it can cause serious damage to such gadgets and can prove very costly for you.


What do you do when you are carrying mobile, Laptop or other electronic gadgets and rain starts?

Here are a few tips which can save your loved belongings from being damaged when its rain.


  • During rainy season or monsoon always carry a plastic cover,


  • If you are on ride stop and cover them as soon as possible.


  • If you are inside and you have no plastic cover left them in office as it is better to keep them safe and sound other than to carry and let them wet.


  • Never switch on you gadgets when they are wet as this can lead to short circuit and damage your machine to cost you more.


  • If gadget is wet keep it in sunlight for some time so that it can dry it from inside.

East to get best as Monsoon rain likely to continue over entire country

New Delhi, Thursday, 12 July, After playing hide and seek initially months, monsoon is showing some sign of improvement as rains continue over entire country. Light to moderate rainfall over entire country is likely to continue in the next twenty four hours.


Eastern part of India specially sub Himalayan region and northeastern states are likely to receive heavy showers in the next twenty four hours. While northwest Rajasthan and adjacent region are also heading for increased rainfall during next 24 hours.


The Monsoon access trough now extends from northwest Rajasthan to northeastern states and seen as a reason for rains in Rajasthan, east UP, Bihar, sub Himalayan west Bengal, Sikkim, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. While moderate rain in these areas is likely to continue, there is chance of heavy downpours in areas of Sikkim, sub Himalayan west Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.


This trough is likely to shift towards Himalayan foothills and rains in Rajasthan Gujarat north Madhya Pradesh west Uttar Pradesh are predicted to be lessen after 2 to 3 days.


Rain in Delhi is likely to continue. Passing light drizzles are expected in Delhi in the next twenty four hours due to oscillation of this trough.


Troughs are places where winds from opposing directions meet (or winds turn) and atmospheric pressure is low while the turbulence caused by such interaction (or turning) leads to rain, thundershowers and storms.


Along the west coast, the seasonal trough from Gujarat coast to Kerala coast remains intact. Mumbai has received more than 70mm of rain in the last twenty four hours, but rain intensity is expected to decrease in the next 24 hours and moderate rain is predicted over here and areas of western coast as well.


Monsoon activity is likely to continue over peninsular India. Light rains in Maharashtra, north Andhra Pradesh and Orissa are anticipated to go on. Moderate to light rain is likely to continue in Tamil Nadu too.


In rest of India rain is likely to continue because of prevalent monsoon conditions as clouds are being witness all over India now.

Monsoon sweeps the nation ahead of schedule; rains likely in north and northeast

Delhi, Wednesday, July 11 The southwest monsoon this year though entered a week late at the southern doorsteps of Kerala, has covered the entire country before its usual date of July 15. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) today announced the arrival of monsoon over west Rajasthan riding on rainfall ensuing from the monsoon trough passing through Bikaner.


West Rajasthan, the last frontier of the nation to be covered by the monsoon winds usually receives monsoon showers on July 15, marking the arrival well four days before schedule.


As of today, the monsoon is trailing by 23% of normal over the country as whole while the dearth is reported majorly from northwest and central India.


The axis of monsoon trough, essentially intensified moisture laden monsoon winds are extending from Bikaner, Gwalior, Fatehpur, Muzaffarpur and then passing on to northeast India.  The weather formation is also passing through the low pressure area persisting over east Rajasthan.


The combined prowess of the monsoon trough and the low pressure would dispense rainfall over east Rajasthan, Delhi, parts of Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand during the next twenty four hours.


Troughs are places where winds from opposing directions meet (or winds turn) and atmospheric pressure is low while the turbulence caused by such interaction (or turning) leads to rain, thundershowers and storms.


This axis of monsoon trough is expected to oscillate north towards the Himalayan foothills in the next couple of days. Heavy rains are possible in this region while moderate rain over adjoining Uttar Pradesh during this period. Central Uttar Pradesh is also likely to be under the ambit of rainfall as the trough moves up massing through the region.


Rainfall activity would decrease along the west coast after twenty four hours and also over Gujarat. Significant showers are also ruled out over southern parts of the country.


Another north- south trough is prevailing from sub-Himalayan West Bengal to north Bay of Bengal and would be instrumental in increasing rainfall over northeast India in the next forty-eight hours. Sikkim and sub Himalayan West Bengal may receive moderate to isolated heavy rainfall during this period.

Rains over west MP and Rajasthan to shift towards the foothills; TN coast may also witness showers

Delhi, Tuesday, July 10 The monsoon is currently active over west Madhya Pradesh, adjoining Rajasthan and northeast Gujarat. A well-marked low pressure has also formed over northwest Madhya Pradesh and east Rajasthan to support the monsoon further in these parts.

The weather system will move in a northeast direction and dispense rains over east Rajasthan during the next twenty four hours. The active rain belt will shift towards west central Uttar Pradesh gradually after that.

A trough is presently extending from northwest Rajasthan to east central Bay of Bengal across north Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Rainfall is expected along this area. But this trough is likely to shift north and so will the rainfall.

Troughs are places where winds from opposing directions meet (or winds turn) and atmospheric pressure is low while the turbulence caused by such interaction (or turning) leads to rain, thundershowers and storms.

The trough in question though is a yearly phenomenon and called the axis of monsoon trough. Its position destines rainfall across the northern plains and central peninsula.

This axis of monsoon trough is expected to oscillate north towards the Himalayan foothills in the next couple of days. Heavy rains are possible in this region while moderate rain over adjoining Uttar Pradesh during this period. Central Uttar Pradesh is also likely to be under the ambit of rainfall as the trough moves up massing through the region.

A cyclonic circulation (genesis of a low pressure) is seen over Orissa and adjoining Chhattisgarh, likely to intensify, leading to enhanced rain activity over east India.

The off shore trough on the west coast extends from coastal Gujarat to Kerala and will be responsible for sustained rains here.

West Rajasthan will be devoid of rain but Tamil Nadu might get scattered rain/thunder showers during the next two days. A trough running along the east coast from Andhra Pradesh to south Tamil Nadu would facilitate the precipitation.

Delhi awaits next showers eagerly

New Delhi, Monday, 9 July While waiting for pre-monsoon showers is over, Delhi may experience next phase of rains starting on Wednesday evening as the trough extended up to northeast Madhya Pradesh is passing through south of Delhi and may come nearer to it increasing rainfall.

Also, the southeasterly moisture laden winds movement towards northwest during this period may help rain here in Delhi. Until then, a brief period of light passing showers are likely. This period of rain is expected to continue for next 48 hours.

After lashed by pre-monsoon showers, Delhi now eagerly waits for the next session of rain. Monsoon's first showers bring back the towering mercury to 33-34 degrees (once shot up to 43-44) in Delhi. This gave enormous relief to the people, administration and the government of the capital territory as the continuous hot weather has taken its toll on city civic amenities where sharp demand for power and water has left the government and officials in a shambles and people perishing. But the monsoon came for their rescue exactly when things were going out of control for the city dwellers.


Weather alert for Indore and Bhopal; Break of the Monsoon is likely

New Delhi. Monday, 9 July, Northwest Madhya Pradesh and adjoining Rajasthan are heading for heavy rains. Rainfall activity is likely to continue in Orissa and Chhattisgarh. Delhi may see passing showers. Along the west coast, there is a bit reduction in the intensity of rain. While conglomeration of southeasterly winds along the foothills of Himalaya also indicates break of the monsoon is not far away.

Weather Alert for MP and adjoining Rajasthan

Bhopal and Indore in Madhya Pradesh and Kota in Rajasthan are heading for increased rainfall activities in the next twenty four hours as a cyclonic circulation over Madhya Pradesh and Orissa is shifting base to this region.

In the next twenty four hours, heavy rains are likely in the areas of west Madhya Pradesh and adjacent Rajasthan. Light to moderate rains have been predicted in east Madhya Pradesh, east Rajasthan and northeast Gujarat, due to the surge over MP and Orissa.

Isolated heavy rainfall is predicted over many places including capital Bhopal and commercial capital Indore.

Reduced rainfall along the west coast

A trough along the coast extended from Kerala to Gujarat is weak and rainfall intensity has reduced due to this weakness. Moderate rainfall is expected over the areas of west coast, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Konkan, Goa and Kerala.

Moderate rains in the east

Moderate rains are predicted for Orissa and Chhattisgarh. The east part of the country would receive rains in the next 24 hours as a cyclonic circulation currently exists over Orissa and adjoining northwest Bay of Bengal.

As far as northwest India specially Punjab, Haryana and Delhi are concerned, light passing showers are anticipated for these areas as a trough close to south of Delhi is extended up to northeast Madhya Pradesh.

Dry weather prevails over west Rajasthan. Thundery build up is likely over the area in the next twenty four hours.

In the rest of India including the Peninsular region would continue to receive light showers during next twenty four hours.

Break of the monsoon on cards

The southeasterly moisture laden winds have started to conglomerate along the Himalayan foothills and may prompt break of the monsoon in coming days.

This is a seasonal Phenomenon in which southeasterly winds start blowing in Himalayan foothills while westerly just below it.

Good start to the week likely for Delhi; Central and east India ready to rejoice rains for next two days

New Delhi, Friday, 6 July, With Delhi receiving first rain of the season, the next week starts on a good note as conditions look favourable for more rains. The coming week if sustain continuous rainfall over the week, there is chance of declaration arrival of the monsoon in the capital.

The capital was ditched by the monsoon winds a few days ago, but finally the easterly prevailed in the region and fair amount of rain can be expected from now on.

Monsoon winds approach northwest India

Though, northwest India is still few days away from monsoon rains, but the mixture of southwesterly winds and southeasterly winds over the region is creating fair opportunity for rain. The Moisture laden winds and the rainfall have relief to people of this region as temperatures have gone down.

Three cyclonic circulations help central, east and north east India region to sustain rain in coming days.

The cyclonic circulation over Punjab and Haryana and the other one over east Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand and another one over Madhya Pradesh and adjoining region are responsible for moderate rains in central east and north eastern region of the country.

The cyclonic circulation over Punjab and Haryana, is set to increase rainfall activities in south east Rajasthan, west Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

Isolated intense rain is predicted in few places in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

East sustains rain likely to continue

Whereas, the other cyclonic circulation over east UP and Jharkhand, is set to increase rainfall in east Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Gangetic West Bengal

Rainfall activity in central India is likely to increase as another cyclonic circulation over east Madhya Pradesh and adjoining region will help precipitations in Vidarbha, Madhya Pradesh Orissa, Telengana and coastal Andhra Pradesh. Isolated heavy rains are predicted for these regions.

Rain reduces in western India

On the western front, the southwesterly moisture laden winds continue to produce moderate rains in west coast, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan though with reduced intensity. Moderate showers will continue in the area

Tamil Nadu remains dry

In the south, Tamil Nadu and adjoining region remains parch. Dry southwesterly winds and no system over Bay of Bengal continue to deprive the region of rains.

In next two or three days a new surge over west coast can be expected. This can once again bring intense rain in the west coast region.

Monsoon likely to penetrate the northwest region; rain in Delhi, NCR soon

New Delhi, Thursday, 5 July, Under the aegis of penetration of the southeasterly winds into the north west region, the capital territory of Delhi would receive thunder storm with few drops of rain by today evening. In the next twenty four hours, Delhi and NCR would see an increase in rainfall activities.

A few places in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir will receive rainfall during the next twenty four hours as monsoon is likely to enter the northwest region of the subcontinent.

Temperature in northwest region and east India will take a dip as moisture intrusion and monsoon activities continue.

Mumbai records best rainfall of the season

Meanwhile, Southwest monsoon has advanced towards north Arabian Sea, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The situation is suitable for rains in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and east Rajasthan.

Heavy rains lashed most parts of the west coast. Mumbai recorded 80 mm of rain while Surat in Gujarat recorded 58 mm and Kota in Rajasthan recorded 36 mm of rain, during the last twenty four hours.

The trough along the west coast from Gujarat to north Kerala has turned lame. A feeble cyclonic circulation over Maharashtra and Gujarat coast is found but the thick cloud mass over here will give rains.

In the next 24 hours, moderate rainfall is likely along the west coast, Maharashtra, Gujarat Madhya Pradesh and Central India. Rains in east Rajasthan are likely to continue.

Monsoon intensified in east and gangetic West Bengal

Monsoon incursion over gangetic West Bengal, Jharkhand and adjoining Bihar has intensified. The cyclonic circulation currently lies over Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. A mass of thick cloud over these areas increases chance of rain in the region.

Moderate to heavy rainfall is expected over areas of Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, gangetic West Bengal and sub-Himalayan region.

The trough along the east coast is weak and responsible for dry weather along the coast in Andhra and Tamilnadu region. This is due to lack of any system over Bay of Bengal and the penetration of the dry southwesterly winds in the region.

Pre-monsoon showers likely today evening in Delhi; Chennai left dried by the southwest monsoon

New Delhi, Wednesday, July 4, The wait for monsoon in Delhi is likely to be over in the next 24 hours as pre-monsoon showers are waiting on its border in the south to strike anytime soon. Also, after giving Delhi first showers of this season, things are set to improve even more at the start of the next week. The mix-up of moisture laden southwesterly and southeasterly winds in the region south of Delhi may help continuation of rains during the period. The rains if sustain might lead to the announcement of arrival of the monsoon by July 8 or 9.

The moisture laden winds are likely to travel all the way to the hills of Uttarakhand, begetting good amounts of rainfall here as well. Some moisture may rebound from the hills and find its way back into the plains of western Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. This enhances the chance of Delhi receiving showers like never before in this season.

Dust and thunder storm activity is likely in Delhi today late afternoon or evening onwards.

Situation not so favourable in Chennai

At the other end of the nation, Chennai remains warm but less humid as moisture-devoid southwesterly winds continue to parch Chennai. These southwesterly are originating in the Arabian Sea, dispensing any moisture over Karnataka and Nilgiris and reaching here dry.

The winds are also strong enough to restrict sea winds to reach Chennai, halting rainfall. There is a marginal drop in temperatures due to light isolated rainfall in the vicinity but cloudy skies and dryness is making the weather warm. There is also reduction in humidity by 10-15 percent. There are chances of light showers in Chennai during the next 24 hours due to moisture straying in from surrounding areas.

Southeasterly winds may strengthen further along the east coast that may increase rainfall activities in Chennai in the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours.

Monsoon in the next twenty four hours

The southwesterly winds are now covering major parts of west and central India and heading to the north of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. These conditions are conducive for rainfall activities in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Rainfall is likely to continue along the west coast.

The cyclonic circulation over west coast and a low pressure area over Bay of Bengal bode well as far as advancement of monsoon is concerned. Moderate rainfall is likely in north Andhra Pradesh and coastal Orissa while rains in central India are expected to continue in the next twenty four hours. Isolated heavy rains in south Chhattisgarh and Orissa belt are possible.

Rainfall is expected to continue over coastal Maharashtra, north Karnataka, Konkan and Goa with isolated heavy rains at few places.

In the north, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are likely to get some rain, while northeast and east will sustain moderate showers tomorrow.

Heavy rains to continue in Mumbai; Kolkata heading for best of the season

New Delhi, Tuesday, July 3, It’s a tale of the two cities where monsoon dates almost around the same day that is on June10. Unfortunately both of them have been stumped out by monsoon after initial showers at the start of the season. But the situation now seems to revive as the monsoon is finally showing some bold moves of advancement.  At one hand, Mumbai along the west coast, has started experiencing intensified rainfall activities, resulting in waterlogging in many parts. On the other, towards east, Kolkata that was experiencing subdued rainfall till now is set to pick up on rainfall activities in the coming days.


Mumbai it's raining

The wait for Monsoon in Mumbai is over as rains started to lash the city on Monday evening. Mumbai recorded fair amount of rains during the last 24 hours. Santacruz in Mumbai has recorded 45.6 mm of rains while Vikhroli and Colaba have recorded 41 mm and 6.6 mm of rains.


In the next twenty four to forty eight hours, Mumbai is likely to get moderate to heavy rainfall as the cyclonic circulation is expected to remain intact as well as monsoon winds (trough) would strengthen along the west coast. Looking at the prospect of heavy rains and high tide, fishermen have been warned not to venture into sea in next twenty four to forty eight hours.


The circulation may move towards northern areas of Maharashtra and south Gujarat to give rains along the coast and in interiors as well. So the current surge in rainfall activities in Mumbai may get reduce towards the end of this week.


Warm and humid Kolkata eagerly await rains

Light intermittent showers in Kolkata have lead to warm and humid weather even as good rains have eluded Kolkata till now this season.


Monsoon has shown a tendency to escape the city this season after giving it pre-monsoon showers in mid-June. The lull in monsoon may end soon as a trough (a wind funnel, channeling moisture) is expected to form extending from west Uttar Pradesh to Bay of Bengal. The movement of such moisture laden winds through Gangetic West Bengal is likely to increase rainfall over Kolkata.


Subdued rains in Kolkata so far

In Kolkata, Alipore accounted for 8 mm of rain while Dumdum got 9.8 mm rain during the last 24 hours. Southeast trade winds persist over Gangetic West Bengal but the main system is positioned in Bay of Bengal. As a result, Kolkata is currently getting subdued light rainfall courtesy locally developed clouds.

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